Unique & FREE PD Opportunity for Teachers Next Weekend: Startup Weekend EDU

Startup Weekend CvilleClassroom innovation has become foundational to our work as educators and it has been an important contributor to our success as one of the highest performing school divisions in Virginia. Next weekend, November 14-16, there is a special event at Monticello High School that promises to build upon these accomplishments. Startup Weekend EDU and Hardware Hackathon Charlottesville brings together students, pre-K to college educators, designers, computer programmers, engineers, and entrepreneurs, all around the goal of transforming ideas for improving education from concept to prototype. Continue reading

Making Connections: Feedback Requested by Nov. 14

MC2014The 2014 Making Connections Planning Team hopes your day this past Monday was full of energized learning and that you walked away with new connections and ideas! Please help us make future events and professional learning opportunities even more engaging and useful to you by taking a few minutes to complete our short “Making Reflections” exit slip. Please provide feedback by Friday, November 14! Thanks in advance.