Mobile Mammography Coming to a Location Near You!

UVA Mobile MammographyThe UVA Mobile Mammography Coach is on the road with 3D capability and is headed to five Albemarle County locations this fall! Each clinic will operate from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by appointment. Restrictions apply. Get the details »

Call (434) 243-4704 to reserve your space:

  • Friday, September 9 – County Office Building, McIntire Road
  • Wednesday, September 14 – Albemarle High School
  • Friday, October 14 – Western Albemarle High School
  • Monday, October 31 – County Office Building, 5th Street
  • Friday, November 11 – Monticello High School

Albemarle County Kicks off Bond Referendum Public Awareness Campaign: Three Community Forums in October

Bond Referendum 2016This November 8, the ballot in Albemarle County will include not just candidates for President of the United States and for Congress, but also a question on whether the county should issue $35 million in general obligation bonds to finance improvements at 25 of our 26 school facilities. Read our August 25 press release »

Learn More:

To learn more about the bond referendum, including FAQs and specific project details, visit the Bond Referendum 2016 web page. Continue reading

PowerSchool Introduces New Gradebook

PowerSchoolPowerSchool has released a new gradebook that is available for teachers to use with our current version of PowerSchool. The new gradebook is web-based (think “no more Java” and “accessible from almost any web enabled device”). It was designed from the ground up to be a gradebook that works the way teachers do. For the 2016-17 school year, teachers have the option to use either the new PowerTeacher Pro (PTP) gradebook or the traditional PowerTeacher Gradebook (PTG). The SIS Support team has compiled a variety of resources to help teachers decide whether PowerTeacher Pro is right for them and help them learn more about how to transition to the PTP gradebook. Continue reading

How to Request Blackboard Classes for 2016-17

BlackboardACPS Educators: Follow the steps below to request Blackboard classes for the 2016-17 school year.

(1) Complete the Blackboard Class Request Form and submit it to your school’s SIS contact. Your SIS contact will be required to use this form to set up your Blackboard classes. Today, August 17, DART will turn on the integration between PowerSchool and Blackboard, and new Blackboard classes will begin showing up. Continue reading

Division-Level Meetings for Teachers – August 18

Teacher MeetingDivision-level meetings for teachers will take place this Thursday, August 18.

Elementary meetings will take place at Brownsville Elementary School, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Meeting schedule »

Secondary meetings will take place at Henley Middle School, 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. (U.S. History and American Studies will not meet.) Meeting schedule »

Questions? Contact Alison Dwier-Selden.

How to Reinvent Project Based Learning to Be More Meaningful

Project-Based LearningProject based learning “continues to be misinterpreted as a single teaching strategy rather than as a set of design principles that allow us to introduce the philosophy of inquiry into education in an intelligent and grounded way. It’s plagued by misunderstandings about when it should be used, and when not, and to what extent it can fulfill the mandate of a standards-based system. Too often, it ends with enthusiastic students delivering mediocre work — and teachers aren’t sure what went wrong or right.” Keep reading in MindShift »

Paramount Arts Education Teacher Reception – August 18

The Paramount Theater invites ALL school division employees to their annual Teacher Reception on August 18, from 4:30 to 6:30 in the evening. Come mingle with fellow educators, preview the 2016-17 arts education season, and learn about using The Paramount as a classroom resource. Open the invitation as a PDF »

Paramount Art Education Teacher Reception

Foster Parent Training Series: September 10 & 24, October 8

Fall 2016 Foster Parent Training SessionsInterested in becoming a foster parent and/or adoptive parent? DePaul Community Resources’ next training series, including six sessions over the course of three Saturdays, starts September 10Get the details »

On the fence? Consider attending the informational meeting on August 29, 6 to 7 p.m. Many of your questions will be answered, and you’ll hear about real experiences from a current foster parent.

For more information or to register, please call Kareena DaRosa, Foster Care Specialist, at (434) 977-9847.

benefitsFOCUS: Albemarle Open Enrollment window available NOW; Employee info session TONIGHT at 5:15 p.m.

benefitsFOCUSWhat’s the BIG news?

Open Enrollment is available NOW through August 19th. Open Enrollment is the ONE time each year when you can enroll in or make any/all changes you wish to your current medical/dental plan elections, as well as enroll in a new Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for next year. Remember: you have to enroll annually in an FSA if you want to participate! Any changes you make during Open Enrollment will not go into effect until the start of the new plan year (September 1st for the FSA and October 1st for medical/dental). Continue reading