2014-15 Teacher Contracts

ContractAttention Teachers: Human Resources will be providing recommendations for the reappointment of teachers at the May 22 School Board meeting. Contracts will be sent out shortly thereafter, contingent upon the approval of the reappointments and salary scales. Please check your school mailbox or see your school administration for your contract packet. Included in the packet will be a personalized letter with your 2014-2015 FTE, days per year, step, degree level, tenure date when applicable, and number of paychecks. Please carefully review all information and return one signed and dated copy of the contract to your principal before leaving for the summer.

If you have questions, please contact your Human Resource Representative:

Elementary Schools   
John McQuilkin
296-5827 x3074; IP extension 73074; jmcquilkin@albemarle.org

Secondary Schools
Jennifer Weller Kim
296-5827 x3256; IP extension 73256; jkim@albemarle.org

School Support & Central Office   
Davra Miller
296-5827 x3015; IP extension 73015; dmiller@albemarle.org

Beth Churms
296-5827 x3014; IP extension 73014; echurms@albemarle.org