Superintendent Presents 2016-17 Funding Request

Superintendent's 2016-17 Funding RequestYesterday evening, January 19, Superintendent Moran presented to the School Board her
2016-17 funding request. Both her presentation and the budget book may be accessed through the 2016-17 Budget Development web page.

Dr. Moran’s budget proposal represents a 4.2% increase over the 2015-16 adopted budget. The increase totals about $7 million and is composed primarily of directed/mandated expenses (71%) and expenses related to growth (12%). The remainder of the increase (17%) is directed toward new resources. Approaching $1.2 million, the proposed new resources collectively amount to less than one percent of the total $174 million budget.

With an anticipated revenue increase of $5.5 million dollars, the school division is challenged with a $1.5 million funding gap, less than half the gap presented the prior year, and 78% smaller than the gap presented two years ago. Get connected to the budget development process »