School Board Adopts 2020-2021 Budget

Budget Construction

At their recent meeting on May 14, the Albemarle County School Board unanimously approved the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 School Division Budget, A Community Comes Together. The balanced budget of $193.7 million is a 0.9% decrease from the current year’s adopted budget and is aligned with the following budget priorities:

  • Student Learning
    The budget will support the mission of ACPS to establish a community of learners and learning, through relationships, relevance and rigor, one student at a time.
  • Equity
    The budget will provide the resources necessary for creating equitable opportunities for all students.
  • Current Employees
    Best efforts will be made to keep current regular employees, including instructional and support staff, employed.
  • Contingency
    Knowing revenues will remain uncertain, the budget will include contingencies to provide the flexibility to respond to any changes that may occur once the fiscal year has begun.
  • Stakeholder Engagement
    The decision-making process will be transparent and well-communicated to staff, students, families, and the community. Feedback from stakeholders will be solicited and valued.

You can read the budget message from School Board Chair Jonno Alcaro and Superintendent Matt Haas in the Budget Overview.

For more information about the budget process, please visit the 2020-21 Budget Development web page.

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