A Message from the Albemarle Foundation for Education During Teacher Appreciation Week

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The Albemarle Foundation for Education (AFE) wants to take a moment during Teacher Appreciation Week to share our gratitude with you. We can all identify a teacher who had a profound and lasting impact on our life trajectory. It is with these memories and stories of impact that AFE serves as a connector of resources to the important work you do for your students and the broader community. Our mission is to generate a community commitment to helping each student in Albemarle County Public Schools thrive. Our work is not possible without you.

We hope that you will consider applying for an Innovations in Education Grants award. These grants are designed to support the impactful work you do to help your students thrive. As the AFE continues to grow, there will be additional ways we can support your efforts and development.

On behalf of the entire AFE Board of Directors, thank you for all you do day in and day out!

With gratitude,

Paul Matherne, AFE President
Tessa Ashoff, AFE Executive Director

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