Season of Nonviolence: January 30 – April 4, 2014

SNV2014 LogoThe purpose of this memo is to make you aware of a national campaign to be conducted January 30 through April 4, 2014, to mark the memorial anniversaries of nonviolence advocates Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. During the 2013 General Assembly, Senate Joint Resolution 294 (SJR 294) was introduced to encourage public schools of Virginia to promote the ideals, heroes and successes of nonviolence. The resolution specifically recognized the Season for Nonviolence as an opportunity to educate students about promoting positive relationships with others through showing respect and forgiveness, being courteous, and building understanding. In lieu of adoption of the resolution, the subject matter of SJR 294 was referred to the Virginia Department of Education for study, to result in a written report to the Office of the Clerk of the Senate and notification to school divisions. View the report, which provides a detailed listing of the Standards of Learning (SOL) for Virginia public schools referencing content associated with the ideals, heroes and successes of nonviolence.

During the time period of the Season for Nonviolence, development and practice of skills in nonviolent approaches can be promoted through incorporation in classroom lessons, student activities, and communications to staff, students and parents. View suggestions for activities. In addition, the Hampton Roads Network for Nonviolence prepared a video to provide information about the Season for Nonviolence.

For further information, please contact Herta Okonkwo at, or Cynthia A. Cave, director of student services, at 804-225-2818 or