Ways of Making Thinking & Learning Visible

Math Student ThinkingSo much of students’ learning happens within the privacy of their own minds, at one specific moment in time. What are some ways of making that thinking and learning visible, both in the immediate and over time?

Check out this “tip sheet” from Brilliant or Insane that highlights six ways to make student learning visible, including the use of photos, audio, video, and sketchbooks to document moments of learning. Additionally, the site Show What You Know with Media highlights 12 different media resources that students could use as products of their learning, including definitions, workflows and examples.

Library of Congress Offers Teacher Resources

Library of CongressTeachers: Senator Mark Warner wants to bring to your attention an important resource that is currently available to all teachers across Virginia. As you may know, the Library of Congress, located in Washington, D.C., is accessible worldwide through its website and offers an amazing array of educational resources for teachers and students. Continue reading

15 Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators

Digital Storytelling“Engaging, multimedia-rich digital stories can capture the attention of students and increase their interest in exploring new ideas. Combining storytelling with powerful digital creates a truly authentic learning experience that helps students develop a wide range of intellectual skills.”

Check out 15 digital storytelling tools on David James’ Social Learning blog.

Just Launched: New ACPS Digital Citizen Website!

digital citizenshipAre you looking to provide your students with meaningful and age appropriate learning experiences about how to use technology safely and responsibly? Would you like a great resource to recommend to parents and guardians when they ask questions about how to best facilitate their children’s interaction with digital media and use of technology outside of school? Access our division’s new Digital Citizenship website and find answers to these questions and more. Continue reading

ACPS Has Subscribed to eMedia Services!

emedia-va_logoACPS has subscribed to eMedia services. eMediaVA is Virginia’s premier statewide digital media distribution system featuring the best purpose-built educational content available. Brought to you by the Virginia Public Media Stations and PBS, eMediaVA is constantly evolving to better meet the needs of Virginia’s teachers and students. What’s even better, eMediaVA is FREE for all Virginia teachers and students! Learn more »

All teachers have been created an account. You may retrieve usernames and passwords from your media specialists. If you have questions or need support, please contact edtech@k12albemarle.org.

Get Kids Learning with Mystery Skype

Mystery SkypeTeachers in our schools use Skype for a variety of purposes, from professional connections with other educators to learning connections with students in other classes around the world or professionals with content or skill expertise. Skype in the Classroom offers a variety of specialized educational opportunities, including Mystery Skype, the global guessing game that gets kids learning. Continue reading

EduWidgets: Make Content Fun

EduWidgetsEduWidgets authoring tools may be used to create, share and customize widgets (self-contained applications) to enliven digital content on websites, e-books, interactive whiteboards, and other digital classroom devices. Teachers and students can use EduWidgets to create interactive timelines, sequences, graphs, and images. Teacher registration is available now at www.eduwidgets.org. The authoring tools will undergo beta testing for approximately six weeks. Users are encouraged to report technical issues or suggest enhancements to the tool during the beta test period. Continue reading