Using Zoom With Enhanced Security

Zoom Logo

The Department of Technology recently completed a full security evaluation of the video conferencing platform Zoom. We found some concerns with the default security settings in the free version of Zoom. For that reason, we are moving forward with creating our own Zoom domain where all of our employee accounts will be added.

All Teachers: On April 13, 2020, you will receive an email inviting you to our Zoom domain (unless you have already had your account linked). Please accept this invitation by clicking on the “Approve the Request” button. Doing so will enable our Technology Engineers to make our Zoom domain the most secure possible. Continue reading

Transitioning to Online Learning: Resources for Teachers

Online Learning

To support the transition to online learning after spring break, our Student Learning and Technology departments have partnered to curate resources such as planning templates and easy-to-use technology how-to guides. We will continue to add resources and tools to the following sites over the course of the next few weeks: Continue reading

Digital Learning Day 2020 – Feb. 27

Digital Learning Day 2020

Digital Learning Day 2020 is Thursday, February 27. This is a day that celebrates learning of all kinds that is strengthened by the use of technology. Visit our Digital Learning Day site to check out the Flipgrids of LTIs showcasing some of their favorite digital learning tools. Watch the demos and then vote for the one you’d like to try for Digital Learning Day! We can’t wait to share student learning on Twitter! Follow us at @acpslearntech.

Department of Technology Launches “Learning Tech Quarterly,” an Educational Technology Newsletter

Learning Tech Quarterly

Learning Tech Quarterly is a brand new newsletter from the Department of Technology that explores the intersection of education, tech, and Virginia’s Five C’s. The Five C’s, a set of expectations established by the Profile of a Virginia Graduate, highlight the importance of Critical thinking, Collaboration, Creative thinking, Citizenship, and Communication in public education. Continue reading

Naviance: Required Password Update on Jan. 27


Middle & High School Faculty and Staff: As you may have heard, Naviance is implementing a new password policy that will require all ACPS students to change their Naviance passwords to meet new, more secure requirements on Monday, January 27, 2020. This process of moving to more secure passwords is necessary to best ensure the security of our students’ Naviance accounts and student data. Continue reading

Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel (TSIP)

Educational TechnologyThe Governor recently signed a new law that eliminates the requirement for teachers seeking initial licensure or renewal of a license to demonstrate proficiency in the use of educational technology for instruction. Therefore, the Virginia Department of Education has recently clarified the TSIP requirements for all licensed personnel in Virginia. The actual Technology Standards certainly still exist; however, they are not required for licensure. You are welcome to explore the Virginia Society for Technology in Education’s Standards as well. Continue reading

Learning Tech Team Launches New Site Featuring Learning Tools & Instructional Resources

Learning Tech ToolsLooking for the latest learning tool or seeking a new instructional strategy for your class? Take a few minutes to check out the Learning Tech Team’s new site! Available resources include a collection of teaching strategies, instructional practices, and transformative classroom examples that you can use to reimagine what learning can be in Albemarle County Public Schools. Continue reading

Virginia Board of Education Seeks Public Comment on the DRAFT Educational Technology Plan for Virginia 2017-2022

VDOE LogoThe Educational Technology Plan for Virginia 2017-2022 has been developed over the past six months with input from stakeholders, school divisions, and the general public. The DRAFT of this plan is available online for public comment.

The plan is a living Web document and is a series of interconnected web pages with links to Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) resources and other useful resources, which can be used by school divisions when developing their own technology plans. Continue reading

How to Request Blackboard Classes for 2017-18

BlackboardACPS Educators: The integration between Blackboard and PowerSchool is now running and you can begin requesting Blackboard classes. Use the Blackboard Class Request Form as a reference for submitting your class creation requests to your school’s student information system (PowerSchool) contact. Your request will impact how your classes are created in Blackboard, and the form will help you pick the option that will best meet your needs.

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