Dental Plan Rate Holiday

Dental CareAs you may recall, in the spring and summer of 2013, we were able to offer a premium holiday to all covered participants in our dental plan. We continue to have exceptional plan claims experience, resulting in a continued surplus of our dental plan reserves. As such, we are very happy to announce another dental plan rate holiday beginning March 2014 and continuing through the end of the current plan year. This means that you will not see a premium deduction beginning this month (February) through August. Continue reading

VRS Hybrid Retirement Plan: Opt-In Window Open Through April 30

Info SessionThe Opt-In period for the new VRS Hybrid plan is open now through April 30. All current Plan 1 and Plan 2 members, with the exception of those currently in hazardous duty positions, are eligible to opt in to the new plan during this one-time enrollment window. Information sessions are scheduled at various locations. HR staff members will present information about the new VRS Hybrid Plan and answer any questions you may have.  Continue reading

Upcoming Changes to VRS: What You Need To Know

VRS UpdateTo all employees currently active in the Virginia Retirement System: Beginning January 1, 2014, there will be some significant changes to the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) as the result of legislation approved by the Virginia General Assembly and signed by the Governor. All new VRS-eligible (i.e., full-time) employees, except for those classified as hazardous duty, will be enrolled in the new VRS Hybrid Plan, unless they have active VRS service prior to that date. Hybrid Plan members will contribute the same five percent of their pre-tax salary as our current VRS-eligible employees do, but their contributions will be allocated in a different manner. Continue reading

Retirement Planning Seminar on November 20

Retirement PlanningAre you planning on retiring within the next few years? Just starting out in the workforce? Wondering where the money will come from when you retire? Not sure what your retirement options are?

Whether you’re a seasoned worker, new hire, or just plain curious about the retirement process, Human Resources is offering an informative Retirement Planning Seminar on Wednesday, November 20, from 5:15 to 7 p.m. The seminar will be held in Lane Auditorium at the County Office Building on McIntire Road. Continue reading

Mandated Changes to the Virginia Retirement System

RetirementDear Colleagues:

We want to make you aware of mandated changes to the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) that will take effect on January 1, 2014. This change creates a new type of VRS retirement plan that is a combination of the current system (a defined benefit plan) and an investment account like a 457 or 403b (a defined contribution plan). This will be known as the Hybrid Plan. Continue reading