“Quality Time” Leadership Development/Book Discussion Begins October 15!

Trust Matters“Quality Time” Leadership Development/Book Discussion is an opportunity for new and aspiring leaders to engage in professional learning and discussion with colleagues from across the Division, particularly those you many not interact with on a regular basis. This opportunity is designed to foster professional growth for the Division’s new and aspiring leaders by focusing on practical concepts found in Trust Matters: Leadership for Successful Schools, by Megan Tschannen-Moran. Instructional and non-instructional leaders are encouraged to attend, and licensed educators are eligible for recertification points. Meetings will take place the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in COB 320 beginning Tuesday, October 15. Advanced registration through the ARC is required.

International Dot Day

Dot DayInternational Dot Day is scheduled for September 15 this year. Peter Reynolds, author/illustrator of The Dot, spoke at our Back to School Leadership Meeting two years ago, and we shared a copy of his book with every principal. It’s in most libraries, too. Dot Day is a great opportunity for each learner to “make his or her mark” and for schools to celebrate creativity, courage and collaboration. Check out the Dot Day website.

Connected Educator Month

Connected Educators MonthOctober is Connected Educator Month—an opportunity for educators across the U.S. to participate in virtual communities of practice throughout the month. Our work with Connectivity will be supported by U.S. educators sharing how they facilitate learners and educators to connect and communicate as members of professional and personal learning networks. For more information, visit the Connected Educators website.