Reminder: Classified Employee Salary Increases Will Be Implemented October 1

Pay Raise Just AheadWhy not July as usual?
Due to constrained budget resources, there weren’t sufficient funds to support meaningful, full-year increases in keeping with our market strategy. Delaying the timing of the increase saves the organization money, but also keeps us in line with our compensation market strategy and yields a higher base salary for VRS. Continue reading

benefitsFOCUS – September 29, 2015

benefits FOCUSWhat’s the BIG news?

September paychecks! While we always recommend that you review your pay stub monthly, September is a particularly important month when it comes to paychecks. Because we pay for our medical/dental premiums in the payroll immediately prior to the month of coverage, September is the first month we pay premiums for the new benefits plan year, which begins October 1st. Continue reading

Homework Survey for Teachers

Teen doing homeworkACPS Educators: What do you think about homework?

Albemarle County Public Schools is looking at homework practices in our schools in order to review our policies and guidelines in these areas. View our current homework policy »

We would like to hear from you in the process. Please complete the survey by noon on Friday, October 2, 2015. Take me to the survey »

Think It Up: Where Student-Powered, Teacher-Led Projects Get Funded

Think It UpThink It Up invites public school students in grades 7-12 to work with their teachers to develop projects that draw on their passions and connect to the futures they want to pursue. Posted on, in collaboration with, the student-powered, teacher-led projects will be crowdfunded by citizen donors. The projects will encourage rigorous skill development that prepares American youth for post-high school life, helping pave the way for college and/or career success. Find out how it works »

“Albemarle Against Hunger” Food Drive: Oct. 5 – Nov. 6

Food DriveAlbemarle County’s 2015 Food Drive, Albemarle Against Hunger, will be held Monday, October 5, through Friday, November 6. If your school would like to participate in this endeavor, please contact Diane Mullins in the County Executive’s Office at or IP phone ext. 75841.

Albemarle County police officers will gladly schedule pickups at all participating schools, and the County Executive’s Office will provide event posters. See the Food Drive Fact Sheet »

The Big Draw 2015: For Anyone Who Loves to Draw, and Those Who Think They Can’t!

The Big DrawThe Big Draw is the world’s biggest drawing festival with thousands of enjoyable, and mainly free, drawing activities that connect people of all ages with museums, outdoor spaces, artists, designers, illustrators—and each other. The Big Draw 2015 takes place October 1-31. The theme is Every Drawing Tells A Story.

Join in this annual festival of 1,800 events throughout the month of October. Once you register, you will have access to new Big Draw Resources, including Logos, Posters, Stickers, and mini magazines full of ideas. Get more details »

TPA & Learning Walks Brief

Matthew Haas, Ed.D.Dear Teachers and Administrators: I want to thank each of you for your role in getting our division off to such a fantastic start this year! As I have had the privilege to see during my school visits, teachers already are providing excellent learning work and opportunities for our students.

That’s a great lead-in to our 2015-16 School Year Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPA) cycle. The Performance Appraisal process is so important because it strengthens and extends our professional learning culture. This in turn ensures that we are meeting the educational needs of all students. While you can read about our TPA philosophy and technical guidance, I’d like to share with you some thoughts about three of our division’s priorities this year: goal setting, learning walks, and an update to the TPA that will take effect next year. Continue reading

September 26 Is Drug Take-Back Day

Drug Take-Back Day 2015Martha Jefferson Hospital, in partnership with the Albemarle County Police Department, is hosting Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday, September 26, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. The event, which aims to provide a safe, convenient and responsible means of disposing of expired, unwanted or unused medication, will be held at Martha Jefferson’s Outpatient Care Center at Pantops (595 Martha Jefferson Drive). Controlled, non-controlled, and over-the-counter substances will be collected. The program does not accept sharps or discarded medical needles.