Veterans Affinity Group Open to New Members & Support

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Have you thought about joining or supporting the work of the Albemarle County Veterans Affinity Group?

The Albemarle County Veterans Affinity Group is an inclusive group of Albemarle County and Albemarle County Public Schools employees who are committed to enhancing the work experience of veterans and reservists through networking, resources, and professional development. Our intent is to better educate our employees and students about the military; support the vision, mission, values and goals of Local Government and ACPS; recognize and honor those who currently serve, those who formerly served, and those who have died in service; and facilitate activities that support all of these goals.

We typically meet once a month in the middle of the day, and we welcome new members! If you are interested in joining, please email and we will reach out to invite you to our meetings. Please also email us if you’re interested in volunteering to support our events. For more information about our group, please visit the school division’s Military Families web page.