Thinking About Applying for PDRP Funds?

Conference PresenterThe professional development budget was cut approximately $32,000 for 2014-15 over the 2013-14 budget. This has been difficult to accommodate given the volume of professional development done this summer and the discontinuation of the Safe Schools grant. The Professional Development Reimbursement Program (PDRP) is funded at $72,000 (roughly $60/teacher/year), and those funds are split across two “semesters,” July 1 – December 31 and January 1 – June30. The PD team has been able to supplement this funding in past years with monies not spent in other categories, like Opportunities workshops, Making Connections, New Teacher Academy, etc., but those are the areas from which the $32,000 in cuts came.

In an effort to remain under budget while also managing teacher expectations, we updated the PDRP website to indicate, “We will be instituting the priorities during this window of PDRP applications.” As we come in under budget in other areas, we will continue to apply that money to funding additional PDRP applications, as there is documented need. At this point, we have over $55,000 in PDRP requests for the $36,000 allocated to the first semester. We were able to fund all courses for teachers who needed them for recertification, and we funded all conference presenters. “Pending funding” letters were sent to 53 teachers and include the following language: “Unfortunately, the committee was unable to fund your request at this time. We realize this is a disappointment for you. Please save your receipts and, if there are funds available at the end of the fiscal year, we will reassess your request.”

The PD Planning Team encourages you to apply for PDRP funds, as this data informs the budgeting process and internal professional development planning; however, please be mindful of the funding limitations this year. Please review the PDRP process on the PDRP website should you wish to apply for funds. Email Becky Fisher if you have any questions.