Making Connections 2016: Registration Coming Soon!

Making Connections 2016We’re excited to launch registration for Making Connections 2016 later this month! As a preview, we’re digging deeper this year into our longstanding work around Rigor, Relevance and Relationships. This November 7, Albemarle County Public Schools will host a variety of related, half-day workshops featuring national experts at multiple school sites throughout the division. Continue reading

Virginia Festival of the Book: Interested in an Author Visit? Respond by October 27!

Virginia Festival of the BookA message from Sarah Lawson, Assistant Director of the Virginia Center for the Book

Planning for the 2017 Virginia Festival of the Book (March 22-26) is now underway, and we are eager to work with ACPS teachers, librarians, and reading specialists to schedule classroom/school visits and/or assemblies with some of the featured children’s and young adult authors in all genres.

We hope to schedule more author school visits in the 2017 Festival than ever before, so we encourage you to explore this opportunity, whether you have in the past or not. Continue reading

Homework Policy Update

Matthew Haas, Ed.D.Greetings ACPS Students, Parents, Teachers, and School Administrators:

I hope that you have had a great start to the school year and that you are enjoying the many learning opportunities that ACPS and your school offers. We could not make these opportunities available and successful without you!

You likely are aware that during last school year, we had a committee working on revising our homework policy (Policy IKB) based on concerns raised by the ACPS School Health Advisory Board about student stress and sleep needs. Continue reading

Albemarle Innovators: Volume 2, Issue 1

Albemarle InnovatorsAlbemarle Innovators is a publication that celebrates the work of teachers, students and staff in Albemarle County Public Schools. The first issue of 2016-17 highlights transportation analyst Renee DeVall and her team’s process of building and assigning bus routes; Agnor-Hurt’s multi-age team and its delivery of innovative instructional programs; and Albemarle High School’s Team 19 students, who are developing interdisciplinary experiences designed to increase student engagement. Open Issue 1 »

If you know someone in your school or department who deserves recognition for their innovative work with students, nominate your colleague for recognition in Albemarle Innovators. View the archive »

ReinventED Community Convening – October 20

ReinventEDThursday, October 20 | 6 to 9 p.m. | Jefferson-Madison Regional Library

The ReinventED Community Convening aims to bring everyone together to connect, catalyze and create change. Anyone interested in improving education is welcome to attend—students (kindergarten through college), entrepreneurs, educators, administrators, innovators, and more. Participants will learn from one another, pitch ideas for projects, and collaboratively design the future of education. Register now for this FREE event!

Get Involved: Albemarle County Food Drive, Oct. 17 – Nov. 10

Food DriveAgain, this year, Albemarle County is hosting Albemarle Against Hunger, a food drive for the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. Each year, school participation is a vital factor in the success of our food drive! If you would like your school to participate, please communicate with your principal. Your school administrator needs only to contact Jennifer Butler ( in the Office of Strategic Communications to get started. The event kicks off Monday, October 17! Continue reading

UPDATE: Payroll Process Change

PayrollA message from Susan Worrell, Chief Accountant, County of Albemarle (Oct. 3, 2016)

The Finance Department partnered with Human Resources to propose changing the payroll process for the month of December, a process that was established many years ago in order to eliminate the need for school employees to interrupt their holiday break in order to pick up their paychecks. To accomplish this, a separate payroll for ACPS employees was processed and paychecks were issued before the holiday break. With the implementation of direct deposit, however, this practice is no longer necessary; employee pay is available and directly deposited on the last business day of every month! Continue reading

Spread the Word: Regional College Fair on October 12

2016 Regional College FairPlease help spread the word! The 2016 Regional College Fair will be held at Monticello High School on Wednesday, October 12, 2016, from 5 to 8 p.m.

The Regional College Fair is an excellent opportunity for students of all grade levels to speak with admissions representatives from over 70 colleges and universities. Regardless of where students may be in the process, having access to so many colleges in one location is invaluable. It is important for underclassmen to gain exposure to colleges early in their high school career to assist them in developing their academic and career plans. Watch the video promo »

Questions? Contact the Monticello High School Counseling Department at 434-244-3110.

Barnes & Noble Educator Appreciation Days: October 8-16

Educator Appreciation DaysBarnes & Noble Charlottesville invites PK-12 educators to save in store and online during their Educator Appreciation Days, October 8-16. Open the flyer »

Also, Barnes & Noble will host several special events on October 8 at 2 p.m.: Cultural Responsiveness Workshop, Maker-Themed Tech Tool Demos, and a discussion on new and upcoming books for children and teens. Attend all the workshops and be entered to win a book bag of goodies! Connect with this event on Facebook »