Making Connections 2021: Meet Our Visiting Educators

Our annual professional learning event, Making Connections: Learning for All, will be held Friday, October 29. Given the wide range of innovative practices and effective strategies developed by educators here in Albemarle County, our programming this year will be a combination of workshops facilitated by visiting educators and by ACPS teachers and administrators. Making Connections will be held in a virtual format this year with all sessions presented through Zoom (no in-person sessions). We are excited to announce the list of visiting educators that will be sharing with us! Continue reading

YouTube Content Settings

YouTube logo

The Department of Technology was made aware of issues where K-8 students were unable to view instructional videos made available by their teachers in YouTube. After reaching out to Google, we learned that they’ve introduced a new approach called Google Service by Age. This change impacts our students’ use of YouTube.

In response to Google’s failure to notify us of this change, ACPS has applied settings to enable appropriate access for all students. At this time, all ACPS students should be able to access YouTube videos while signed into their browser with their ACPS Google account. Continue reading

Next Grading Cohort Launches Oct. 1; Info Session This Thursday!

grade result A+

Info Session: Thursday, September 30, 2021 | 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. | Zoom | Interest Form

Secondary Teachers: In September 2020, ACPS adopted a grading policy that articulates our shared philosophy about the role and purpose of grades. To facilitate learning and implementation of current research-based practices on grading, all secondary teachers will be asked to complete the asynchronous Grading Module 1 prior to fall of 2022. Secondary teachers will have the opportunity to join cohorts throughout the 2021-22 school year and during the summer of 2022.

The next cohort launches Friday, October 1! Continue reading

M.Ed. in Literacy Education Cohort Meeting on Sept. 21

JMU College of Education Literacy Master of Education

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 | 6 p.m. | Zoom

ACPS is excited to announce the creation of a cohort program through James Madison University (JMU) for those teachers interested in pursuing a Master’s of Education in Literacy Education. To learn more about the program, please join us on Zoom for a Q&A with JMU faculty on September 21 at 6 p.m. View the course schedule »

Interested? Please let us know if you plan to attend or if you’re interested but unable to attend. If you have questions, please contact Michael Craddock.

Social Studies SOL Testing for 2021-22

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This school year, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is requiring students to take Standards of Learning (SOL) tests in Virginia Studies, Civics & Economics, World Geography, World History I, World History II, and Virginia & United States History. In Virginia Studies, Civics & Economics, and Virginia & United States History, students will be assessed on the 2015 standards. In World Geography, World History I, and World History II, students will be assessed on the 2008 standards. Please note: The only students who will need to take SOL tests in high school EOC courses (World Geography, World History I, World History II, and Virginia & United States History) are those who still need to earn a verified credit in Social Studies. Continue reading

Making Connections Call for Proposals: Submit a Proposal by Sept. 19

Making Connections 2021

Making Connections: Learning for All, our annual Making Connections professional learning event, will be held Friday, October 29. Given the wide range of innovative practices and effective strategies developed by educators here in Albemarle County, our programming this year will be a combination of workshops facilitated by visiting educators and by ACPS teachers and administrators. It’s exciting to have this time to learn from and with each other! By highlighting our own practices, we strengthen our professional network within the division and “make connections” that we can build on over time.

Interested in presenting at Making Connections? Submit a session proposal by September 19. Continue reading

Science Safety & Science Learning Collaboratives

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Science Safety

Science Safety K-8: The VDOE recorded a recent Science Safety Training for K-8 teachers. If you have not participated in safety training for 2021-22, please watch this Science Safety Training webinar and complete the K-8 Science Safety Training form by Friday, October 1.

Science Safety 9-12: High school science teachers have access to the ACPS Chemical Hygiene Plan. Please use this Access Code to join the Schoology course: BR4B-H6V8-2WT5J. You will need to review the ACPS Chemical Hygiene Presentation in the Chemical Hygiene Plan folder. Once you review the presentation, you will need to take the Chemical Hygiene Quiz. Please complete this quiz by Friday, October 1.

If you have any questions regarding science safety, please contact Katina Dudley.

Science Learning Collaboratives

Science Learning Collaboratives (SLCs) will meet throughout the year for a deep dive into a specific practice and collaborate in improvement of the practice. SLCs will be available to both elementary and secondary teachers:

If you are interested in learning more, please complete the SLC 2021-22 form or email Katina Dudley.

Good News from Zoom!

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The Department of Technology has received good news from Zoom! Zoom is waiving the 40-minute time limit for all education Zoom meetings within our environment.

ACPS employees should be vigilant in managing and sharing links to Zoom meetings with students, families and stakeholders. Failure to do so may result in “Zoombombing” or other inappropriate access issues. Continue reading

Science Safety Training for K-8 Teachers

Science Lesson

August 4, 6, 24 & September 1 | 9 a.m. | Virtual Training | Registration Form

Attention K-8 Teachers: The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is offering Science Safety Training on August 4, August 6, August 24, and September 1. This virtual training addresses general science safety for K-8 teachers and lasts for one hour, including 50 minutes for content and 10 minutes for Q&A. Each session begins at 9 a.m. Annually, elementary teachers and science teachers are expected to participate in safety training. Continue reading