Using Zoom With Enhanced Security

Zoom Logo

The Department of Technology recently completed a full security evaluation of the video conferencing platform Zoom. We found some concerns with the default security settings in the free version of Zoom. For that reason, we are moving forward with creating our own Zoom domain where all of our employee accounts will be added.

All Teachers: On April 13, 2020, you will receive an email inviting you to our Zoom domain (unless you have already had your account linked). Please accept this invitation by clicking on the “Approve the Request” button. Doing so will enable our Technology Engineers to make our Zoom domain the most secure possible. Continue reading

Attention Secondary Teachers: 2019-20 Grading Procedures

PowerSchool Mobile App

Dear Secondary Teachers,

Next week, as part of our planning to bring the current school year to as successful an end as possible, we will begin our continuity of learning activities across the division. I’d like to share with you how student grades will be determined in the wake of this unprecedented interruption of the school year.

We have developed consistent guidelines for teachers on how to assess upcoming learning assignments and final grades. Please see the Final 2019-2020 Grading Procedures for Teachers document for details on how to enter assignments and assign final grades. Continue reading

ACPS@Home Update

Teen Doing Homework on Computer at Home

The Department of Technology has been working on a plan to support ACPS families and promote our Digital Learning Initiative at home. The program, known as ACPS@Home, works through partnerships with five major cell phone providers (AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular, and Verizon) and Kajeet to distribute Wi-Fi HotSpots to students without access to the Internet at home. With the current school closures, the interest in participating in this program has increased dramatically.

The demand for these HotSpots far exceeds the national supply available at this time. School administrative teams collected the names of over 650 students and staff who reported that they have no Internet access. Continue reading

Teacher Talk – Connecting Teachers and Students

The Daily Progress

In honor of our community’s dedicated teachers, The Daily Progress is offering teachers a free and interesting way to connect with their students. Teachers are invited to submit a brief letter (150 words or less) to their students, which The Daily Progress will publish for free.

Interested teachers should complete the Teacher Talk form on The Daily Progress website. Continue reading

Shannon Foundation Extends Grant Application Deadline to June 1

Shannon Foundation

Due to COVID-19, the Shannon Foundation has extended the application deadline for a 2020-21 Shannon Grant to June 1, 2020. Open the grant application »

Also, please note that teachers have until August 1, 2021, to implement and submit reports for current projects funded for the 2019-20 school year. Continue reading

Transitioning to Online Learning: Resources for Teachers

Online Learning

To support the transition to online learning after spring break, our Student Learning and Technology departments have partnered to curate resources such as planning templates and easy-to-use technology how-to guides. We will continue to add resources and tools to the following sites over the course of the next few weeks: Continue reading

Albemarle County Writing Collaborative: Now Accepting Applications for Cohort #3

Albemarle County Writing Collaborative

Calling all teachers in grades 4-12: The 3rd cohort of the Albemarle County Writing Collaborative (ACWC) is now accepting applications! This is a professional learning experience where we pay YOU ($500 stipend) AND you earn 40 recertification points! Apply to Cohort #3 »

The Writing Collaborative seeks to build a community of teacher leaders who value writing as a practice, but also as a method for students to connect and learn. The ACWC is not just for English/language arts teachers! Continue reading


Teen Doing Homework on Computer at Home

As part of the Albemarle County School Board’s commitment to the ACPS Digital Learning Initiative and digital equity for our families, the Department of Technology has partnered with Kajeet to launch ACPS@Home. ACPS@Home will provide filtered wireless Internet access for ACPS-provided laptops to secondary students who do not have Internet access at home and need it through a cellular enabled device. Continue reading

JMU Master’s of Education in Literacy Education – Interest Meeting on March 4

JMU Logo

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 | 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. | Baker-Butler Elementary School Library

ACPS is excited to announce the creation of a cohort program through James Madison University (JMU) for teachers interested in pursuing a Master’s of Education in Literacy Education. To learn more about the program, please join us for the second interest meeting on March 4 in the library at Baker-Butler Elementary School. The Q&A session with JMU faculty will be held from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Continue reading