WeVideo: The Media Editor You’ve Always Wanted!

WeVideo logo

The Department of Technology is excited to announce our new video, audio and screencast editing platform: WeVideo! Earlier this year, Microsoft discontinued the availability of the Video Editor on student and staff devices, requiring us to find an alternative. We’ve heard your feedback, and we’ve made WeVideo available to all instructional staff and students in grades 3-12. Continue reading

Spring Break Intersession: Interested in Tutoring?

ALL In Tutoring logo

As we shared in a November Compass post, as part of our ALL In Virginia tutoring plan, we are preparing to run an intersession during Spring Break for interested students in grades 3-8. Tutoring sessions will be held Tuesday-Friday, April 2-5, from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in central locations. Class ratios will be kept at about 5:1. Pay will be $45/hour for teachers and $30/hour for non-licensed tutors. If you are interested in tutoring and can commit to all four days, please complete our interest form: Continue reading

DPLC & CRT Professional Development Schedule for March 5

PLC sign on top; CRT sign on bottom

We are looking forward to our next Division Professional Learning Community (DPLC) and Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) Professional Development (PD) Day on Tuesday, March 5. Our schedule for March 5 differs from previous schedules, so please review the schedule carefully.

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Upcoming VaSCL Professional Development Workshops


Check out these upcoming professional development workshops offered by the Virginia School Consortium for Learning (VaSCL)! If you are interested in attending, you may apply for Professional Development Reimbursement Program (PDRP) funds to cover your cost. Learn more about our reimbursement program »

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Introducing Zearn

Zearn logo FB

We are excited to announce that ACPS is able to launch Zearn as part of ALL In tutoring and as a resource for our elementary and middle school teachers and students. The app is now available via ClassLink, and all math sections in grades K-8 have been rostered. If your school or grade level needs classes rostered in another way, please reach out to SIS Support. Rosters will update each night, so new students should have an account within 24 hours.

Any school that has been using the free version of Zearn can sync the data (so students can keep their historic progress). Continue reading

ACPS Technology Survey Now Open for Teachers: Please Participate by March 1

Speech bubbles with questions marks and ellipses

The ACPS Technology Survey for teachers is open now through March 1! The purpose of the survey is to gather actionable information from our community in order to make more informed decisions about the use of technology in our schools. Our custom survey, now in its second year, allows us to gather data specific to ACPS priorities, as well as provide administrators with reports that can be cross referenced with academic and demographic data. Continue reading

Give Your Input to the Employee Voice and Action Committee!

roundtable discussion

The Employee Voice and Action Committee (EVAAC) invites employees in all roles across the division to complete a brief survey to help identify issues on which the committee should focus for the remainder of the school year. Your feedback will help the committee prioritize topics to discuss, make recommendations, and work toward improving working conditions for all employees.

The survey will be open until 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 29. Continue reading

Teacher Transfer Requests for the 2024-25 School Year

Two Teachers Walking and Talking

Teacher Transfer Requests are now open to tenured teachers who wish to be considered for a new school assignment for the 2024-25 school year and will close on March 1, 2024.

Requests for transfers can be submitted using the Teacher Transfer Request Form. You may select up to three schools to transfer to. Human Resources will send your transfer request information to your current principal as well as to your requested schools. In addition to completing this form, you must apply online for job vacancies at your requested school(s) in order to be eligible for consideration. Unless otherwise noted, you must apply for a position within the first three (3) days of its posting for priority consideration. You are welcome to apply online for as many positions as you wish; however, guaranteed screenings are limited to the three schools you select on the request form. Other principals may screen at their discretion.

The deadline to submit the form for priority consideration is March 1, 2024. Continue reading