Web Sites & Content Filtering

Vincent ScheivertDear Staff:

This school year we have made a transition to a new content filter. Please know that we are required by the federal government to filter certain types of Internet sites: most notably sites considered to be obscene, sites that contain pornography, and any sites deemed harmful to minors. Each of the terms mentioned are legal items and are defined via case law. Our new content filter, as do all filtering solutions, places web sites into categories and the school division determines which categories to block or not to block. Continue reading

Speak Up Survey – Participate by Jan. 13

Speak UpDear Educators:

We are excited to announce that ACPS is participating in Speak Up 2016, now through January 13, 2017! Speak Up is an online national research survey that provides an easy way for students, parents and educators to (1) participate in local decisions about technology, and (2) contribute to the national dialogue about educational technology. Take the survey »

Your participation will help us answer questions, such as: Continue reading

Powerful Accessibility Tool Now Available for All Students & Educators

Snap&ReadAll ACPS educators and students now have access to a powerful accessibility tool called Snap&Read, which is designed to help learners of all ages better access content and organize ideas. Snap&Read is accessible as a Chrome internet browser extension or desktop app and provides on-demand read aloud support for students to engage with any text that they encounter, whether on a website (in any browser), in a PDF, or even part of a picture or illustration. Continue reading

PowerSchool Introduces New Gradebook

PowerSchoolPowerSchool has released a new gradebook that is available for teachers to use with our current version of PowerSchool. The new gradebook is web-based (think “no more Java” and “accessible from almost any web enabled device”). It was designed from the ground up to be a gradebook that works the way teachers do. For the 2016-17 school year, teachers have the option to use either the new PowerTeacher Pro (PTP) gradebook or the traditional PowerTeacher Gradebook (PTG). The SIS Support team has compiled a variety of resources to help teachers decide whether PowerTeacher Pro is right for them and help them learn more about how to transition to the PTP gradebook. Continue reading

How to Request Blackboard Classes for 2016-17

BlackboardACPS Educators: Follow the steps below to request Blackboard classes for the 2016-17 school year.

(1) Complete the Blackboard Class Request Form and submit it to your school’s SIS contact. Your SIS contact will be required to use this form to set up your Blackboard classes. Today, August 17, DART will turn on the integration between PowerSchool and Blackboard, and new Blackboard classes will begin showing up. Continue reading

Albemarle Summer Fellowships Link EdTech, Innovation & Professional Learning

Albemarle Summer FellowshipsThis summer, the EdTech Team will pilot a new type of professional learning as 32 teacher fellows join Learning Technology Integrators, highly innovative ACPS faculty, and the students in the CoderDojo and Fine Arts academies to work on reimagining learning in and around their classrooms. Click on “Albemarle Summer Fellowships” within the Summer 2016 PD Course Catalog to get more details and learn how to apply. Continue reading

Graduating Seniors & Google

Graduating SeniorAs we near the end of the school year, graduating seniors, as well as other students and staff exiting the school division, who wish to archive or move items from their @k12albemarle.org Google account should follow these directions. Accounts will be available until the end of the school year. Staff needing assistance can reach out to their school’s Learning Technology Integrator or submit a service desk ticket. Students needing assistance can contact their school’s student helpdesk or work with one of their teachers.

Questions? Please contact Nita Collier at ncollier@k12albemarle.org.

Teachers: Do You Know About Community Technite?

Community TechniteThe ACPS Educational Technology Team hosted their first “Community Technite” last evening at Jouett Middle School, during which parents were invited to explore examples of student technology use; listen to a presentation covering topics like internet safety, social media, screen time, and digital citizenship; and participate in a panel discussion focused on helping them support their child’s healthy and responsible use of technology. This important learning opportunity for parents will be offered three more times this month: Continue reading

Don’t Forget: Transition Your Google Apps Data by Jan. 15!

Transition Data by January 15, 2016!As you know, DART staff has consolidated our two Google domains into one. Students and staff using the student domain were asked to transition data and functionality from the student domain to the primary ACPS domain. The deadline for this data transition is January 15, 2016. After January 15, the @student.k12albemarle.org domain will be decommissioned and all data within that domain will be deleted. Learn how to transition GAFE data »

New Blackboard Features!

BlackboardNew Blackboard Learn features are now available! Key upgrades include:

– Blackboard Collaborate, a powerful web conferencing tool, is fully integrated!
– SafeAssign built into the assignment feature.
– Fully experience your class as a student with Student Preview.
– Significant figures improved for Calculated Formula Test Questions.
– Anonymous and delegated grading now available.

Learn more about how to access and use these new features »