Secondary Teachers: Schoology Survey & Year 2 Update


Attention All Secondary Teachers: As we approach the middle of our first year of Schoology implementation, we ask that you participate in a survey focused on Year 1 minimum expectations, future professional development opportunities, and student use of Schoology. Take the survey »

Please provide your feedback by Friday, January 24. We are looking for 100% participation from secondary teachers. Continue reading

Electronic School Notification System Survey – Please Participate by Jan. 21

Mobile Notifications

Albemarle County Public Schools is evaluating the performance and effectiveness of our Electronic School Notification System (ESNS). We currently use this system to communicate important information and emergency alerts to parents/guardians and employees by phone, email, and text messaging.

Please help us assess our existing system by participating in a survey: Open the survey »

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Greenshades Survey: Please Participate by Dec. 20


Key leaders in Albemarle County Local Government and Public Schools are partnering with County Information Technology Departments to strengthen our organization’s defenses against cyber liability attacks. Phishing scams attempt to gain access to employee email and Greenshades accounts where employees can access their payroll information. In order to help strengthen our system defenses against these attacks, Greenshades permits users to enable two-factor authentication.

Please participate in a brief, six-question survey to help us determine if we should use two-factor authentication for Greenshades. Please respond by Friday, December 20: Take the survey »

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Community Satisfaction Survey Now Open: Please Participate by Dec. 20

Customer Satisfaction

ACPS invites you, along with students, parents, and community members, to participate in our Community Satisfaction Survey by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, December 20. Your feedback will provide the school division with valuable operational information that we will use as part of our commitment to continuous improvement. Your responses also will inform the development of our 2020-21 budget and our long-range planning decisions. Continue reading

2020-21 Calendar Survey Now Open: Participate by Nov. 26

Your Opinion Matters

The 2020-21 calendar development process is underway! Each year, the Calendar Committee works to produce a school calendar that supports our goals to engage students, improve opportunities and achievement, and get the most productivity out of our resources. Your feedback is an essential part of the calendar development process!

Please review the Calendar Committee’s first draft of the 2020-21 calendar and provide your feedback by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26:

Superintendent Listening Tour Survey: Please Participate by Oct. 5

Superintendent Matthew HaasDear Colleagues,

The 2018-19 school year is well underway, and I’ve now had the privilege of being your Superintendent for more than two months! I’d like to sincerely thank everyone who participated in one of my 16 Listening Tour sessions or shared insights with me through the Online Feedback Form. Throughout the tour, nearly 400 students, parents, employees, and community members shared their insights. Continue reading