Thank You for Your Many Contributions!

Superintendent Pam MoranDear Colleagues:

As we conclude another extraordinary year for our division, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your many contributions to our students and their families and for the incredible teamwork you demonstrated throughout the year. I have had the chance to say a number of times these past few weeks, there is no I in team. The recognition we receive for our work belongs to all of you. You are the ones who have made Albemarle County Public Schools well known across our country for the transformational change we bring to education. Continue reading

To Over 1000 Graduates: A Graduation Note of Reflection

ACPS Supt's BlogTo the Class of 2015: I am convinced that you can and will define the future of our communities, nation, and world as you bend new technologies for good through your creative, innovative thinking—and by using your emotional intelligence together as collaborative solution-finders. It will not always be easy, but I have confidence you will accomplish great work regardless of the paths you pursue. Read the Superintendent’s June 6 blog post »

Local Summer Learning Opportunity: Making Engineering Everything

VTEEA 2015 Summer ConferenceAlbemarle County Public Schools is hosting the Virginia Technology Education and Engineering Association 2015 Summer Conference, “Making Engineering Everything,” July 29-31. This event connects educators, administrators, artists, professionals, and more through a hands-on experience into making, engineering, electronics, programming, and research! Learn more »

Blackboard End-of-Year Recommendations and Annual Management Plan

BlackboardAs the end of the school year draws near, here are a few suggestions and resources to assist you with backing up your Blackboard classes and transitioning your current class content and materials to new classes for next school year. Also, please review the Annual Blackboard Management Plan, which has been updated with important information, deadlines, and action items for next year. Continue reading

benefits FOCUS – June 2, 2015

benefits FOCUS HeaderHave YOU visited the online Open Enrollment system yet? Did I mention there were prizes????

What’s the BIG news?!

272 of our employees have already completed their Open Enrollment process! What are YOU waiting for? The online Open Enrollment system is open NOW through June 15th. Open Enrollment is your ONE time of the year to verify your personal information, make any changes you wish to your pre-tax medical and dental elections, enroll in a flexible spending account (FSA/Beneplus), and verify your dependent information. Continue reading