benefits FOCUS – June 2, 2015

benefits FOCUS HeaderHave YOU visited the online Open Enrollment system yet? Did I mention there were prizes????

What’s the BIG news?!

272 of our employees have already completed their Open Enrollment process! What are YOU waiting for? The online Open Enrollment system is open NOW through June 15th. Open Enrollment is your ONE time of the year to verify your personal information, make any changes you wish to your pre-tax medical and dental elections, enroll in a flexible spending account (FSA/Beneplus), and verify your dependent information. If you wish to participate in the medical or dental flexible (FSA/Beneplus) accounts for the 2015-2016 plan year, you MUST enroll during Open Enrollment. Remember: FSA/Beneplus contracts DO NOT roll from year to year. Any changes you make during the Open Enrollment period do not go into effect until the new plan year (September 1st for the flexible spending accounts and October 1st for the medical/dental plans).

You can learn more about your benefits options, see how you can get assistance, and access the online Open Enrollment system by visiting our Open Enrollment information page.

You mentioned prizes???

Why, YES, I DID! Beginning tomorrow, we will start drawing from all completed Open Enrollment sessions for some great prizes* meant to help you have an active and healthy summer. The earlier you complete the process, the more chances you have to win! Take a look:


*Orchid not included, as one of my office mates would not be very happy with me.

So, what do I need to do?

Completing your online Open Enrollment session is EASY! All you have to do is go here to log-in. You’ll need to:

  • Check the box indicating you’ve read the instructions (because, of course you did!).
  • Enter your last name, exactly as it appears on your paystub.
  • Enter the last 5 digits of your SSN. (If you only enter 4 digits, you’ll have to try again …)
  • Create a password when prompted.

Once you’re in, you need to:

  • Review your information and VERIFY your dependent data (gender, date of birth and Social Security Number); read here why it’s so important that you do this!
  • Make any changes/corrections.
  • Enroll in a medical or dependent care FSA (flexible spending account); read more here about WHY the medical FSA is a great idea next year.
  • Hit the confirm button to save your visit! (If you don’t see a confirmation page that prompts you to either print or email a confirmation, you did not save the visit.)

Where can I find more information about Open Enrollment and my benefits options?

You can learn more about:

  • What Open Enrollment is and why you should participate;
  • Plan rates and options;
  • Spousal eligibility;
  • Annual notices;
  • Why a medical flexible spending account (FSA) makes sense next year; and
  • MUCH more

by visiting our Open Enrollment information page.

Have questions? Human Resources staff are available to answer questions and help you through this process! Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 434-296-5827 if you need assistance.

For more detailed information about your employee benefits, our web pages are always available when you are.