Search & Hiring Process for New Assistant Superintendent for Instruction: Now Seeking Focus Group Participants

Volunteers needed

As we shared in a March 2 news release, Deputy Superintendent Debora Collins has announced her retirement, effective June 30, 2023. We hope you will join us in thanking Ms. Collins for her four decades of outstanding service as a teacher and leader for Albemarle students, staff and families!

To fill the vacancy left by Ms. Collins’ retirement, the school division is looking to hire a new Assistant Superintendent for Instruction. We will conduct a nationwide search led by leading national search firm McPherson & Jacobson. The hiring process will include seeking stakeholder input from a variety of sources, and there are two ways in which you can participate:

First, on Wednesday, March 15, we will engage in a series of 45-minute stakeholder input sessions, during which we hope to hear from students, teachers, Department of Instruction staff, school leaders, parents/guardians, and community partners related to the qualities they prioritize for the next Assistant Superintendent for Instruction. If you would like to participate in one of these focus groups, please complete this form by 5 p.m. on March 13. Continue reading

VCU Reading Specialist Cohort Beginning This Fall: Complete Our Interest Form by March 17

VCU School of Education logo

Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, the Virginia Literacy Act requires school divisions to employ endorsed reading specialists in elementary schools. ACPS has expanded our staffing standard to include middle and high schools as well, such that each of our schools will be staffed with at least one reading specialist. These positions will require a reading specialist endorsement. To support individuals who are interested in pursuing endorsement, ACPS has partnered with Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Education to design a reading specialist pathway. Please click the links below to explore VCU’s program offerings:

Through our informational meetings, we learned that employees preferred a program that was lower in cost, virtual in format, and provided the option for a master’s degree in reading or a reading certificate. We decided to partner with VCU because their program best fits this criteria.

We anticipate launching the Reading Specialist Cohort this fall. Participants will take two courses per term and complete the program requirements by fall of 2024. If you are willing to commit to this program, please complete our Reading Cohort Google Form by Friday, March 17. Continue reading

Employee Engagement Survey Opens Today!

We want your FEEDBACK sign with green background

As we shared last week, our 2023 Employee Engagement Survey opens today! Again this year, Albemarle County Public Schools has partnered with Gallup, a global analytics and advice firm, to help us better understand and measure our employee engagement. Today, all non-temporary employees will receive an email directly from Gallup ( containing a link to participate in their Q12 Employee Engagement Survey. The subject line of the survey invitation will read, “Albemarle County Public Schools Employee Engagement Survey,” and the email will contain a unique survey link that will take you to the secure Gallup website where you can take the survey confidentially. This brief survey should take less than five minutes of your time, and we ask that you participate by Friday, March 17. Continue reading

Employee Engagement Survey Will Open on Monday!

Coming soon neon sign

For the second year, Albemarle County Public Schools has partnered with Gallup, a global analytics and advice firm, to help us better understand and measure our employee engagement. On Monday, March 6, all non-temporary employees will receive an email directly from Gallup containing a unique link to participate in Gallup’s Q12 Employee Engagement Survey. We are asking all employees to complete the survey by Friday, March 17. Continue reading

Shannon Foundation Now Accepting Grant Applications: Apply by April 15

Shannon Foundation Logo

Again this year, the Edgar and Eleanor Shannon Foundation for Excellence in Public Education wants to help Albemarle County and Charlottesville City teachers and schools implement their best ideas! Last year, the Shannon Foundation awarded nearly $22,000 to fund 12 grants! For the 2023-24 school year, the Foundation is offering two levels of financial support: Continue reading

Nationwide 457b Deferred Compensation Plan: Virtual Consultations Available March 6-10

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company logo

Our Nationwide Retirement Specialist, Lynn Robinette, is available for individual virtual consultations on an ongoing basis, but each month, she reserves a week of appointment openings for Albemarle County employees. Appointments are available this March 6-10!

The Nationwide 457b Deferred Compensation Plan is available to ACPS employees who wish to save additional money toward retirement through pre-tax payroll deductions. Continue reading