Help Young Children Control Behaviors and Emotions

VASCDThe Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (VASCD) is offering a two-day session especially designed for PreK and Kindergarten teachers this October 9 and November 6 in Williamsburg. This workshop, Effective Strategies to Improve Children’s Abilities to Control their Behaviors and Emotions, teaches evidence-based strategies to reduce children’s display of disruptive behaviors by facilitating their self-regulation skills.

Effective Strategies to Improve Children’s Abilities to Control their Behaviors and Emotions
Oct. 9 and Nov. 6, Williamsburg

In a full-day workshop on October 9, teachers will learn about the importance of developing children’s self-regulation skills. Whole-group and individualized strategies to improve children’s ability to control their behaviors and emotions will be shared and discussed. We will focus on flexible and easily implemented strategies that reduce children’s display of disruptive behaviors (e.g. non-compliance, impulsivity, conflict) which decrease children’s proactive engagement and learning. Teachers will receive a menu of strategies and specific steps to implement in their classrooms. They will leave the session with activities to gather information about children’s engagement and inform their instruction.

Then, in a half-day session on November 6, teachers will learn targeted strategies that can be used with students who present with particularly disruptive behavior. At this session, teachers will bring back data they have collected after the first session, and receive individualized consultation and support on how to develop a behavior management plan for a particular child.  Register for the first session only, or for both sessions.

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$125 for the first session only, $200 for both sessions.