Important Information Regarding 2014 W-2s and 2015 W-4s

w2-w4-IRS-FormsAs you merrily prepare for the holidays, Payroll is planning for the distribution of 2014 W-2s. We want to provide you with important information regarding W-2s and W-4s.

W-2 (Annual Wage and Tax Statement)
Your 2014 W-2 Form will be electronically available on or before Tuesday, January 13, 2015. You may recall that this service was made available in January of this year for the 2013 W-2 Form. The same electronic method will be used. An email will be sent when the 2014 W-2s are ready with instructions on how to access and view it.

We were pleased that 33% of employees consented to electronic presentation of their 2013 W-2s. We received positive feedback from the employees who did participate; it was easy and convenient!

We are striving to double the electronic distribution of W-2s with the intent of achieving 100% electronic presentation in future years, making it convenient for employees and saving costs associated with paper, postage and time.

W-4 (Employee’s Withholding Certificate)
Your Form W-4 remains in effect until you give Payroll a new one. When Payroll receives a new Form W-4, it will replace the existing one and withholding will begin, based on the new form, on the next payroll cycle.

If you completed a Form W-4 this year claiming exempt from income tax withholding, it expires on February 15, 2015. Claiming exempt from withholding is valid only for that calendar year. You must submit a new W-4. If you do not give us a new Form W-4, your exemption will be changed to single with zero withholding allowances.

We encourage employees to visit the IRS Withholding Calculator on the IRS website at This tool is available to help individuals determine how many withholding allowances to claim on their Form W-4.