Policy Updates: January – February 2017

Policy UpdatesAlbemarle County Public Schools maintains over 600 policies. Our policies are locally developed through our work with the Virginia School Boards Association and they are tied to Virginia Code. Several are locally developed. Our policies translate our core values of excellence, young people, community and respect into the backbone of our daily operations and aspirations for students. You can stay up-to-date on policy revisions, additions and deletions through the ACPS website! View the January – February 2017 policy updates (ACPS login required).

Factual Information Related to Immigration Status, Services, and Enforcement in Albemarle County

Albemarle County LogoIn response to the volume of questions and concerns received about issues related to immigration, Albemarle County has compiled a brochure outlining the County’s current policies and practices as they relate to immigration status: Factual Information Related to Immigration Status, Services, and Enforcement in Albemarle County. In an effort to ensure wide accessibility, these materials are being translated into Spanish and Arabic, and translated versions will be available at the same link when complete.

BeWell Albemarle: Upcoming Programs & Events

Albemarle BeWellDiabetes Alert Day is March 28, 2017. The American Diabetes Association is sounding the alarm about the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in American adults by asking America to take their 60-second Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test. It’s free, anonymous, and available online. (A printable version is available as well.)

Want to quit smoking, but don’t know where to start? Two local and FREE support groups are available to help you quit. This is your opportunity to learn about and experience various strategies for quitting, such as medication, acupuncture, hypnosis, stress reduction, and more!

We Notice: Nominate an Employee by March 24; Attend the Recognition Celebration on April 20

Put This on Your CalendarThe Albemarle County Student Advisory Council, in partnership with Albemarle County Public Schools, has kicked off the annual We Notice Program! Students, parents, and employees are invited to recognize a teacher or staff member whose work should be celebrated. Any ACPS employee (teacher, office associate, building services team member, teaching assistant, cafeteria worker, school nurse, bus driver) is eligible for recognition, but nominations must be received by March 24. Click here to nominate a staff member »

Join us for the We Notice Employee Recognition and Service Celebration on April 20, 4:30 to 6 p.m., at the McIntire County Office Building, Lane Auditorium.

Virginia Festival of the Book: Mental Health Discussion

Virginia Festival of the BookSunday, March 26, 2017 | 1 to 2:30 p.m. | UVa Culbreath Theatre

In collaboration with Partner for Mental Health and others, the Virginia Festival of the Book is presenting Sue Klebold in a FREE public program on Sunday, March 26: Mental Health: Sue Klebold and the Family Aftermath. Klebold, author and advocate for mental health awareness, research, and suicide prevention, shares the story of her son, one of the two shooters at Columbine High School in 1999, to help other families see the signs when their children need help. Dr. Richard Bonnie will join Klebold on stage for discussion and questions. Reserve tickets »

Academic Enrichment Grants – Apply by Apr. 15

MDEF LogoThe McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation (MDEF) offers Academic Enrichment Grants designed to develop in-class and extra-curricular programs that improve student learning. The Foundation considers proposals that foster understanding, deepen students’ knowledge, and provide opportunities to expand awareness of the world around them.

Academic Enrichment Grants provide funding for programs that nurture the intellectual, artistic and creative abilities of children from low-income households. Continue reading

Charlottesville Polar Plunge Fest – Mar. 11

Special Olympics VirginiaSaturday, March 11, 2017 | 12 to 4 p.m. | The Shops at Stonefield

Polar Plunge Fest is coming to Charlottesville on Saturday, March 11! The festival will take place at The Shops at Stonefield from 12 to 4 p.m. Plunging starts at 2 p.m. This fundraiser supports Special Olympics Virginia, which provides year-round sports training, competition, leadership opportunities, and health services to more than 27,000 athletes of all abilities. View the event poster »

UVA Engineering Open House – Mar. 18

UVA EngineeringSaturday, March 18, 2017 | 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. | Thornton Hall @ UVA

On Saturday, March 18, the University of Virginia’s School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) will offer its annual Engineering Open House—an opportunity for visitors to meet faculty and staff, interact with current students, take tours of state-of-the-art facilities, and attend interesting exhibits, presentations and demonstrations. The event is free and open to the public, and high school students are encouraged to register. Bring friends, family members and others who have always wanted to know the answer to the question: “What do engineers do?” Continue reading

Life After High School Transition & Resource Fair – March 11

LAHS Transition FairMarch 11, 2017 | 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. | PVCC Main Building, North Mall Meeting Room

The Life after High School Transition & Resource Fair is a FREE event for middle and high school students with disabilities or special needs and their parents. Join us on Saturday, March 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., for presentations, a resource fair, giveaways, door prizes, food, and more! View the event agenda »

Registration is appreciated. For more information or to register, please contact Deborah Anama at the PREP Parent Resource Center: 434-975-9400 or danama@k12albemarle.org.