Performance-Based Assessment: Making Math Relevant

Math teachers at Hampton High School (Allison Park, PA) have designed performance-based assessments to make learning engaging and relevant to life in the real world through authentic experiences. Watch how math students role-play air traffic controllers and pilots to assess their skills in this “Disaster Mission Relief” simulation:

Albemarle Innovators: Volume 1, Issue 2

Albemarle InnovatorsAlbemarle Innovators is a publication that celebrates the work of teachers in Albemarle County Public Schools. Issue 2 of Albemarle Innovators highlights librarian Anita Mays and her introduction of maker tubs at Baker-Butler Elementary School; kindergarten teacher Deb Zehnter’s use of genius hour at Broadus Wood Elementary; and the Crozet Elementary fifth grade team’s work on studying the water quality of community streams and rivers. Continue reading

Teachers: Do You Know About Community Technite?

Community TechniteThe ACPS Educational Technology Team hosted their first “Community Technite” last evening at Jouett Middle School, during which parents were invited to explore examples of student technology use; listen to a presentation covering topics like internet safety, social media, screen time, and digital citizenship; and participate in a panel discussion focused on helping them support their child’s healthy and responsible use of technology. This important learning opportunity for parents will be offered three more times this month: Continue reading

2016-17 Budget Update

Superintendent Pam MoranDear Colleagues:

At its April 14 meeting, the School Board adopted an operating budget of $172.7 million for the 2016-17 school year.

The School Board reduced $404,000 from our funding request, an action required after the Board of Supervisors set next year’s property tax rate increase at two cents, rather than the advertised rate increase of 2.5 cents. The way in which supervisors allocated the new revenue projected from the tax increase resulted in our school division’s new funding request deficit. Continue reading

Future Ready Schools Invites You to Attend Two Upcoming Webinars

Future Ready SchoolsThe Alliance for Excellent Education and Future Ready Schools invite you to attend two upcoming webinars:

Understanding the National Education Technology Plan – Wednesday, April 20 | 2 to 2:30 p.m.

Communicating K–12 Student Data Privacy to Parents and Stakeholders – Wednesday, May 11 | 2 to 2:30 p.m.

See all upcoming webinars and events »

Thinking of Joining Weight Watchers?

WW LogoJoin Weight Watchers through BeWell to get special rates and earn rewards based on participation! You can choose to attend At Work or Community meetings, or participate in the Essentials online program. Any benefits eligible employee can earn rewards. Find out how »

Open House! When? Tomorrow, April 14, noon to 12:30, at the Carver Recreation Center, located at 233 4th Street NW in Charlottesville. Stay tuned for more locations! Continue reading

Service Academy Day 2016 – April 23

Service Academy Day 2016Senator Mark R. Warner invites high school and middle school students, their parents, and guidance counselors to Academy Day 2016 on April 23, 2016. Attendees will be provided a comprehensive overview of the United States service academies and their admission processes. In addition, students will be able to meet with officials from all five academies as well as representatives from ROTC programs, Virginia Tech, and the Virginia Military Institute. Continue reading

benefitsFOCUS (March 30, 2016): Open Enrollment Head’s Up, Intro to a New Type of Medical Plan, and More!

benefitsFOCUSWhat’s the BIG news?

In addition to a traditional health insurance plan like we have now, we’ll be offering a NEW type of health insurance plan for the next plan year (which begins on October 1st). It’s called a Consumer Driven Health Plan, and it comes with a Health Savings Account. A Consumer Driven Health Plan gives you as a consumer more choice as to how YOU spend YOUR health care dollars. Continue reading