Google Apps for Education (GAFE): Transition Data by Jan. 15!

Transition Data by January 15, 2016!ACPS DART staff has consolidated our two Google domains into one domain. Students and staff currently using the student domain will need to transition data and functionality from the student domain to the primary ACPS domain. All data will need to be transitioned by January 15, 2016. After January 15, the domain will be decommissioned and all data within that domain will be deleted. Learn how to transition GAFE data »

There also will be Google support lab available at Making Connections. If you have any questions, please email the Ed Tech Team at

Have You Downloaded the ACPS Mobile App?

Mobile AppPersonalized access to the school division starts with the ACPS mobile app, and … it’s free! Features include social media and news feeds; info about upcoming school events; resources for students, parents and staff; access to the parent and student portals; and more! You also can choose to follow individual schools and receive notifications specific to those sites. Download “Albemarle County PS” from the App Store or Google Play today!

Consolidation of Google Domains: Access Expands to Students

Google-UpdateSTUDENTS are now members of the domain. Students can access this domain from the Google login page by using their new email address/username (e.g., and their network password. Staff can access the Google Apps for Education suite from the Google login page by using their current email and network password. Continue reading

Blackboard End-of-Year Recommendations and Annual Management Plan

BlackboardAs the end of the school year draws near, here are a few suggestions and resources to assist you with backing up your Blackboard classes and transitioning your current class content and materials to new classes for next school year. Also, please review the Annual Blackboard Management Plan, which has been updated with important information, deadlines, and action items for next year. Continue reading

Update: Consolidation of Google Domains

Google-UpdateNew student accounts are available! The student accounts have been created in the domain. Students and teachers can start transitioning data as needed. Student usernames are the same; initial passwords are the student’s lunch number. This is only for the domain; the credentials for the have not changed. Continue reading

Consolidation of Google Domains

GoogleAlbemarle County Public Schools currently maintains two Google domains, one for staff ( and one for students ( Over the course of this year, DART will consolidate these into a single domain. The current staff domain ( will become the only one in use.

All ACPS staff using Google Apps for Education (GAFE) will be affected by this consolidation. Students and staff (.g accounts) currently using the student domain ( will need to move content and function from their current Google location. Continue reading

Approval Process for Research Requests From Outside Agencies

Student SurveyAlbemarle County Public Schools receives requests from outside agencies/individuals to conduct research in the schools. If an ACPS employee receives a request from an outside agency, including UVA, the employee must forward that request to a supervisor (principal, for example). These requests must be forwarded to Chris Gilman, Coordinator of Research and Program Evaluation, as a detailed proposal indicating the purpose of the study and how the results may be used. Continue reading

Just Launched: New ACPS Digital Citizen Website!

digital citizenshipAre you looking to provide your students with meaningful and age appropriate learning experiences about how to use technology safely and responsibly? Would you like a great resource to recommend to parents and guardians when they ask questions about how to best facilitate their children’s interaction with digital media and use of technology outside of school? Access our division’s new Digital Citizenship website and find answers to these questions and more. Continue reading

How to Request Blackboard Classes for 2014-15

BlackboardACPS Educators: You can now request Blackboard classes for 2014-15! Learn how »

Additional resources that will support moving previously created content to classes where students are enrolled:

Questions? Please contact Jamie Foreman.