2019-20 Class Size Report


Earlier this month, the school division provided the 2019-20 Class Size Report to the School Board. The report consists of data collected for every school in the division as of September 30 of this year.

Low class size has been a competitive strength of our school division, and that continues to be the case this year. As the report shows, class size across all of our schools continues to average fewer than 22 students. Continue reading

Community Satisfaction Survey Now Open: Please Participate by Dec. 20

Customer Satisfaction

ACPS invites you, along with students, parents, and community members, to participate in our Community Satisfaction Survey by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, December 20. Your feedback will provide the school division with valuable operational information that we will use as part of our commitment to continuous improvement. Your responses also will inform the development of our 2020-21 budget and our long-range planning decisions. Continue reading

Additional Thanksgiving Holiday Leave for 12-Month Employees

Happy Thanksgiving

In concert with declarations by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, the School Board has approved providing a four-hour holiday for employees scheduled to work on Wednesday, November 27. As such, the County Office Building and all school facilities will close four hours early on November 27. This day was already scheduled as a non-student day as part of the Thanksgiving break.

We wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving, and extend our thanks and gratitude for what you do each day for our students.

2020-21 Calendar Survey Now Open: Participate by Nov. 26

Your Opinion Matters

The 2020-21 calendar development process is underway! Each year, the Calendar Committee works to produce a school calendar that supports our goals to engage students, improve opportunities and achievement, and get the most productivity out of our resources. Your feedback is an essential part of the calendar development process!

Please review the Calendar Committee’s first draft of the 2020-21 calendar and provide your feedback by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26:

Flex Days in 2019-20: November 4, January 21, March 3 & April 3


The following 2019-20 teacher workdays will be flex days: November 4, January 21, March 3, and April 3 (half-day). These days are designated for teachers to work on report cards, plan for instruction, and complete other tasks related to their work. On flex days, teachers may perform their work at school or another location, as their responsibilities permit. Continue reading

Additional Holiday Leave Granted to 12-Month Employees on July 5


In alignment with the governor’s decision to grant an extra eight hours of holiday leave to eligible state employees on July 5, the superintendent has announced that Albemarle County Public Schools will follow suit. All 12-month employees are hereby granted an additional day of holiday leave on Friday, July 5. All school and department offices will be closed for the Independence Day holiday on Thursday and Friday, July 4 and 5. Continue reading