12-Month Employees: Reporting to Work During Inclement Weather

Snow Covered RoadAttention 12-month employees! In preparation for inclement weather season, you should be aware of the following:

For each weather event that affects the school schedule, the superintendent will provide guidance to 12-month employees regarding expectations for reporting to work. Minimally, notification will be available on the Closings & Delays web page and the School Schedule Hotline (434-296-5886). Staff also may elect to enroll in our Electronic School Notification System (ESNS) to receive inclement weather notifications and other important messages. Continue reading

2017-18 Calendar – Provide Your Feedback by Nov. 1

We Want Your Feedback2017-18 calendar development is underway! Each year, the Calendar Committee works to produce a school calendar that supports our goals to engage students, improve opportunities and achievement, and get the most productivity out of our resources. Community feedback is an essential part of this process.

Tell us what you think! Please review the Calendar Committee’s first draft of the 2017-18 calendar, and then participate in a brief survey to provide your feedback. The survey will remain open until 11:59 p.m. on November 1.

March 1 Is Now a Green Work Day

Green Work DayAt the request of the Albemarle County Electoral Board, our School Board voted last evening to close all schools on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, in response to the large number of voters who are expected to participate in the dual presidential primary election that day. March 1 now will be a Green Work Day for teachers and other eligible employees. Read our news release »

On Tuesday, March 1, eligible staff will commute via internet and telephone. Buildings will be in “weekend mode,” with reduced use of heating and air conditioning, fuel, and electricity. Students will not attend school.
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2016-17 Calendar: Two Drafts Posted for Feedback – Survey Closes Jan. 27 at Noon

Tell Us What You ThinkSchool division staff presented an initial draft (Draft A) of the 2016-17 School Year Calendar to the School Board on January 14, 2016. This initial draft was the product of two joint City/County Calendar Committee meetings, during which internal and external stakeholder input was considered. Based on feedback from the Board, a second version (Draft B) was created for consideration. Employees, parents and students have been invited to provide feedback on the two drafts, which will be reviewed by the Board at their regularly scheduled meeting on January 28.

You may review the two calendar drafts as well as the process for how we arrived at these choices on the
2016-17 Calendar Development web page. Then, you are invited to participate in a brief survey, which will close on Wednesday, January 27, at NoonTake the survey »

2016-17 Draft Calendar Now Posted

2016-17 Draft CalendarThe input provided by nearly 2,000 parents, students, employees, and community members on the recent Community Outreach Survey helped the calendar committee draft the 2016-17 School Year Calendar that will go before the School Board for review on January 14, 2016. Public comment will be taken at that time. View the draft calendar »

Connect to the 2016-17 calendar development process »

Looking for Grant Assistance? Meet Our New Legislative & Public Affairs Officer!

Tim SheaThe Office of Strategic Communications is pleased to welcome Tim Shea to our team as our new Legislative & Public Affairs Officer. Please make it a point to contact Tim if he can be of assistance to you in building partnerships with our legislative and business communities or in securing grants that support the outstanding work you are doing on behalf of our students. Continue reading

New Competencies for Classified Employees

Performance EvaluationSince February, a committee composed of classified employees from the school division and local government has been working to review and revise the performance competency and appraisal model for classified staff. As a result of their analysis, including employee feedback, new competencies used to recruit, hire, train and evaluate classified employees have been established. View the new competencies for classified staff »

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