Contemplating a Career Change? Human Resources Wants to Help You Meet Your Professional Goals!

Career ChangeHave you considered or desired a change from your current position to a different role? What type of position are you seeking? What is hindering you from potentially transitioning into that role? Do you hope to move into a leadership position or perhaps a different leadership position than you currently hold? If these are questions you have pondered, the ACPS Human Resources Department would like to hear from you! Take our survey »

Our survey fulfills a two-fold purpose: (1) it helps us with succession planning for the school division, and (2) it lets us know about your professional goals. Unless you are seeking a leadership position that requires an administrative endorsement, the survey is designed for confidential participation. However, you will be given the option to identify yourself if you would like to talk with someone in Human Resources about your desires.

For those of you who seek an endorsement in Administration and Supervision PK-12, this survey will help us ensure that you are provided optimal learning opportunities as you move through your program of studies. If you are currently enrolled in an educational leadership program or are considering enrolling, please be sure to complete the survey. It will provide information about your program of studies. By completing this survey, you will be contacted by Clare Keiser, Assistant Director of Educator Quality, to further discuss your program, internship needs, and leadership aspirations.