Next Year’s School Calendar

Ned GallawayDear Members of Our School Community:

This year the Albemarle County School Board extended the school year to June 12th to compensate for lost instructional time when schools were closed due to adverse weather conditions. This extension allowed us to meet state requirements and was consistent with the policy we announced when the school year began back in August. Continue reading

Budget Message

Superintendent Pam MoranDear Colleagues:

After several tie votes this morning, the Board of Supervisors set the 2014-15 real estate property tax rate at 79.9 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, representing a decrease of .9 cents from the advertised rate. This reduction from came entirely from money that had been dedicated to the school division under the advertised rate of 80.8 cents per $100 of assessed valuation.

This action by the supervisors nearly doubles the deficit the school division faces in next year’s proposed budget from the advertised rate’s $2.4 million to what is now $3.9 million. Continue reading

2014 Junior Folklorist Challenge – Submissions Due May 26

Folklorist ChallengeThe Smithsonian Center for Folklore and Cultural Heritage and ePals present the 2014 Junior Folklorist Challenge. Discover a tradition in your community and share the story with the world!

Using the Folklorist Process—research, document, interpret, present—participants, ages 8-18, are asked to examine a local or regional tradition through the eyes of a community tradition bearer and create a video, podcast or slide show to share the story. Continue reading