COVID-19 Testing Event – Dec. 5 & 6 @ Albemarle High

COVID-19 Nasal Swab Test

December 5 & 6, 2020 | 12 to 4 p.m. | Albemarle High School

This Saturday and Sunday, December 5 and 6, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in partnership with the University of Virginia (UVA) and our local health department, is hosting a self-administered nasal swab COVID-19 testing event at Albemarle High School from noon to 4 p.m. This free event is open to the community, but prioritizes employees of UVA, Albemarle County Public Schools, and Charlottesville City Schools. Continue reading

Determining the Safety of Continuing With Face-to-Face Instruction

Return to School 2020-21

Dear Colleagues:

On November 9, Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) entered Stage 3 of our Return to School plan. We are pleased to have our youngest learners back in our buildings for hybrid learning as well as additional secondary students for in-person access. With reports of increasing COVID-19 infections across our state and the country, I’d like to share with you the factors that will help us determine whether it is safe to continue with face-to-face instruction. Continue reading

ACPS Introduces COVID-19 Hotline

COVID-19 Hotline

Albemarle County Public Schools understands that, for many in our community, the COVID-19 pandemic has created new hardships or further complicated preexisting issues. We are here to serve our community, and we want to provide as much assistance as we can during this turbulent and uncertain time.

In an effort to increase our ability to help our community members, ACPS has launched a COVID-19 Hotline. The hotline is accessible by phone or email: Continue reading

Hearing the Voices of Our Employees

Return to School 2020-21

Dear Colleagues:

I want to congratulate all of you for your outstanding contributions leading up to our school division’s transition this week from Stage 2 to Stage 3 of our return to school plan. Through all of the challenges of the pandemic and its impact on student learning and on our own lives, your dedication to the health of our community and the learning needs of our students has been extraordinary.

We have learned a great deal from these experiences, not the least of which has been the importance of involving as many staff as possible in our decision-making process and the need to communicate early and often with you. These are the purposes of today’s message. Continue reading

Save the Date: Community Conversation on Nov. 18

Superintendent Matthew Haas

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 | 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. | Zoom

Teachers and School Administrators: I hope today is a good day for you. I sure am proud of you. You have much to be proud of as you have carried the heavy load of teaching and learning and leading schools in a time that cannot be compared to any other. And the first quarter is in the books. Thank you.

I am writing to ask you to save the date for a Community Conversation on November 18 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Continue reading

Revised Mask Policy & SOP for Mask Removal

Face Mask Required Sticker

As you are aware, ACPS adopted a Policy on Masks and Acceptable Face Coverings approved by the school board on August 27, 2020. After publication, some of our educators voiced concerns about students removing masks in the classroom and school buildings under the circumstances identified in the policy.

In response, we met with principals, teachers, COVID-19 Coordinator Eileen Gomez, and others to address the concerns, modify the policy, and develop a standard operating procedure for designating mask removal spaces in the school and articulating criteria for mask removal for relief, if and when a student needs it, and for eating. Continue reading

Staff Child Care Program: Current Participants Should Complete Intent Form by Nov. 3; New Registrations Being Accepted Through Nov. 4

young boy wearing facemask dropped off at school waiving goodbye to mom

Dear Colleagues:

Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) recognizes that your child care needs may change as the division moves to Stage 3 of our Return to School plan on November 9. We are happy to announce that ACPS will continue to offer the Staff Child Care Program (SCCP) in the second quarter of the school year at three locations:

  • Henley Middle School (Brownsville Elementary Program relocating to this site)
  • Sutherland Middle School (Hollymead Elementary Program relocating to this site)
  • Monticello High School

The SCCP will operate each school day from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Continue reading

Message from the Superintendent: A Cautious Step Forward in Our Return to School Plan

Superintendent Matthew Haas

Dear Families/Colleagues:

As I continue to talk with our public health experts, visit schools to talk with employees, and hear from our parents and students, I’m learning a great deal about the depth of challenges we all face. I’m also learning about the incredible talent, determination and caring of our families and staff, qualities that cannot be diminished by a virus. And, I’m learning that I have not said “thank you” enough.

I hope you will take a few minutes to watch my video message and hear what I consider to be a very important message for all of us:

Continue reading

ACPS COVID-19 Dashboard

Impact of COVID-19

ACPS recently launched the ACPS COVID-19 Dashboard to provide our students, parents, employees, and community members with an accurate and current account of the impact of COVID-19 across our school division.

Our dashboard will report the number of confirmed cases experienced by students and staff who are learning or working in person, as well as contractors who work in our buildings. Continue reading