Revised Mask Policy & SOP for Mask Removal

Face Mask Required Sticker

As you are aware, ACPS adopted a Policy on Masks and Acceptable Face Coverings approved by the school board on August 27, 2020. After publication, some of our educators voiced concerns about students removing masks in the classroom and school buildings under the circumstances identified in the policy.

In response, we met with principals, teachers, COVID-19 Coordinator Eileen Gomez, and others to address the concerns, modify the policy, and develop a standard operating procedure for designating mask removal spaces in the school and articulating criteria for mask removal for relief, if and when a student needs it, and for eating.

The Standard Operating Procedure for Designating Mask Removal Spaces and Developing Mask Removal Plan requires each of our schools to develop mask removal plans in advance of proceeding to Stage 3, taking into account the unique layout of the school and the manner in which mask removal spaces can best be identified and mask removal implemented.

While the school board will need to review and approve the DRAFT Policy on Masks and Acceptable Face Coverings, we wanted to share our proposed revisions with you. If you have any questions or would like to discuss, please contact Eileen Gomez, ACPS COVID-19 Coordinator, or Ross Holden, School Board Attorney.