Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts: Classroom Residency Opportunity

Wolf Trap Logo

Attention pre-K through first-grade teachers: Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts is once again offering an opportunity to participate in a 5-session classroom residency the week of November 27 – December 1. (There may be virtual options either that week or later in the school year.) Wolf Trap classroom residencies are creative partnerships between “Teaching Artists” (musicians, dancers, actors and puppeteers) and early childhood educators as they collaborate in using the performing arts to engage children, enrich their learning, and reinforce curriculum. Interested teachers: Please sign up by September 29. Continue reading

Reminder: Making Connections Call for Proposals – Submissions Due Sept. 22

Making Connections 2023 logo

Mark your calendar! Our annual Making Connections professional learning event will be held Monday, November 6. Programming will consist of sessions facilitated by visiting educators as well as ACPS teachers and administrators. We are especially excited that Making Connections 2023 will again include opportunities for support staff to participate in professional learning! Sessions for instructional staff will be hosted at Monticello High School, while sessions for support staff will be offered at Albemarle High School.

As a reminder, any instructional or support staff member who is interested in presenting at Making Connections must submit a session proposal by Friday, September 22. Continue reading

Check Out Our Fall 2023 PD Offerings & Subscribe to Receive Updates!

Professional Development Opportunities banner

The Office of Professional Development has launched its Fall 2023 Professional Development Opportunities website! This site features both internal and external professional development (PD) opportunities, PD offerings for teaching assistants, and info about state conferences. Please use the tabs (Internal PD, External PD, etc.) to navigate the various offerings. Continue reading

ALICE Training Update

ALICE Training Banner

Dear ACPS Employees,

ALICE Training is an important part of safety and security for our staff and our students. Thank you for your diligence and attention in taking part in the school-based ALICE Training during pre-service week. To date, a total of 2,461 employees have completed the eLearning component of ALICE, and 1,092 employees have completed the in-person training.

Please keep reading for information about receiving recertification points, providing training feedback, upcoming ALICE trainings, and volunteering to develop training modules for students. Continue reading

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Annual Meeting, Oct. 25-28


The NCTM Annual Meeting is the premier event for mathematics educators. ACPS will be selecting 10 educators (K-12) to attend in Washington, DC, October 25-28. This year’s theme, Creating Spaces for Change Through Community: It Starts With You, is designed to inspire and provide practical applications to improve your instructional practices.

Are you interested in staying on top of current trends in mathematics education? Do you want to be inspired and gain fresh ideas? Are you willing to share your learning with your peers in the division? If so, please complete our NCTM Annual Meeting interest form by Tuesday, September 12. Continue reading

Professional Development Updates: Steering Committee, PDRP & Making Connections


Would you be interested in serving on a committee to help guide the division’s professional development planning? Do you know that both teachers and classified employees are eligible for reimbursement for participating in professional development? Would you like to lead a session at Making Connections this November 6? Please keep reading for updates on all three of these topics! Continue reading

Community Engagement Corner

Office of Community Engagement Logo

The Office of Community Engagement (OCE) is active on Facebook, Twitter (X) and Insta! Please follow us and feel free to tag us! We will post information on culturally responsive practices, community events, news, and information.

Twitter (X): @EngageACPS | Facebook: facebook.com/EngageACPS

Community Partner Professional Learning Opportunities

We are fortunate to have incredible community partners supporting all aspects of ACPS, and this includes providing high-quality professional learning! Please see below for details on two opportunities coming up in September. Continue reading

Convocation Reminders & August PD Days

ACPS logo

We are looking forward to a successful start to the 2023-24 school year! In preparation for our upcoming division-wide professional development (PD) days on Tuesday, August 15, and Friday, August 18, please visit our August PD Days web page to access schedules for both days.

Again, we’re excited to see everyone at Ting Pavilion at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, August 15, for our division-wide convocation! Here are a few important reminders: Continue reading

Wanted: Teaching Assistants for Apprenticeship Program – Apply by Aug. 11

teaching assistant helping elementary student

Albemarle County Public Schools has received a $200,000 grant from the Virginia Department of Education to support a path to teaching via apprenticeship! Human Resources is now seeking dedicated and passionate teaching assistants with an associate degree to join our two-year apprenticeship program. In this unique opportunity, participants will train alongside a skilled Master Teacher for two years, developing valuable classroom skills. This two-year position leads to full licensure and preparation to serve as a teacher of record. Continue reading

Mental Health First Aid Training Available This Summer

school psychologist helping student

Are you interested in helping support students who are experiencing mental health challenges? Albemarle County Public Schools is excited to offer three Mental Health First Aid training opportunities this July 25, 26 and 27… available to all staff!

Mental Health First Aid helps individuals assist someone who is experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis. In the Mental Health First Aid course, participants learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help. Continue reading