Phishing Reminders

internet phishing

Don’t get hooked by phishing attacks! Stay vigilant, have a cautious lens, and think first before you click! Take a few minutes and read through our tutorial to learn more about phishing and how to spot malicious emails.

If you receive an email that asks for your ACPS password or a credit card number, please delete that email ASAP! You should NEVER share your password in response to an email. ACPS Technology Department staff and legitimate businesses will NEVER ask for your password through an email. Continue reading

Technology and Digital Citizenship Field Guide for ACPS Families: 2nd Edition

Family Field Guide: 2nd Edition

The Department of Technology has published the 2nd edition of our Technology and Digital Citizenship Field Guide for ACPS Families (also available in Spanish). This guide includes technology, digital citizenship, and device care resources for families, with a goal of providing families with information about technology in an approachable and educational way. The revised guide is now available digitally through our Digital Citizenship web page, and we will make printed copies available at schools in the fall.

If you have questions, please reach out to your school’s assigned LTI.

ActivInspire Virtual Professional Learning Opportunities

Promethean logo

ACPS Educators: The Department of Technology’s Learning Technology Team is hosting three virtual ActivInspire learning opportunities on March 15, 22 and 29! Join us to learn more about using ActivInspire to create interactive lessons with ActivPanels. If you participate in all three sessions and complete the independent practice, you will earn 5 recertification points. Continue reading

ACPS Single Sign-On Page Is Changing March 1

Beginning tomorrow, March 1, you will notice a new look and feel to the ACPS single sign-on (SSO) page. The updated page will allow us to use this service with additional systems and increased security. You should not experience any access issues due to this change.

Current SSO Page

New SSO Page

Questions? Please reach out to the ACPS Service Desk during normal business hours at 434-975-9444.

2021-22 Speak Up Technology Survey Now Open

The Speak Up Survey is a district and national research initiative designed to amplify the voices and perspectives of students, families and teachers about technology and learning. Input from you and your students will impact how ACPS uses technology to support schools. In the past, we have received thousands of responses across the district, and this year, we’re aiming for 100% participation from students, families, teachers and administrators. Your feedback will be used to inform important U.S. national and state discussions on digital learning policies, programs and funding through Project Tomorrow’s release of national data findings each spring.

Taking the 10-20 minute survey is easy: Continue reading

Celebrate Computer Science Education Week: Participate in Hour of Code

Hour of Code ACPS 2021

December 6-12 is Computer Science Education Week! Celebrate by participating in Hour of Code! Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify “code,” to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with one-hour coding activities, but expanding to all sorts of community efforts. Continue reading

Assessment Tool Review: Illuminate

Illuminate Education logo

Teachers: ACPS strives to provide the best possible instructional tools for you and our students. Industry best practice is to review instructional tools periodically to ensure they are meeting our school division’s needs. The contract for our assessment tool, Illuminate, is up this year for a comprehensive review.

We ask for a few minutes of your time to complete this survey to support the review of this very important tool used in your teaching practice. If you have questions, please contact