Save the Date: COVID-19 Recovery Focus Group Meeting on Jan. 13

Superintendent Matthew Haas

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 | 4:30 to 6 p.m. | Zoom

Greetings, ACPS Teachers:

I am writing to invite you to a second focus group conversation from 4:30 to 6 next Wednesday evening, January 13, to talk about the future response of ACPS to COVID-19 and the virus’s impact on student learning and social-emotional well-being and development. We will gather on Zoom with up to 300 teachers to share an overview and have small group conversations about our response going into 2021-22. Continue reading

Important Zoom Information

Zoom Logo

Updating Zoom Software

The Department of Technology recommends that all staff update the Zoom software to the latest version whenever possible. Having this software up to date when hosting Zoom meetings is beneficial, as it gives you the latest features and ensures your session is secure.

The screenshot below shows how to check for updates while in your Zoom software: Continue reading

Guidance on Teaching About Holidays & Religion

Christmas and Hanukkah holiday design

When teaching about holidays and religions, a recent article in Teaching Tolerance (Favorite Holiday Poster Projects Aren’t Inclusion: An educator and mother recommends strategies for supporting all students’ religions and cultures, during the winter holidays and year-round) offers these helpful tips: Continue reading

Hour of Code: Join the Fun this Friday, Dec. 11

Hour of Code Logo

The Department of Technology is pleased to highlight a global event, the Hour of Code! Last year, our division reached over 5,000 hours of code!

We encourage teachers to have their students participate in coding activities this Friday, December 11, as part of their asynchronous work. Visit our Hour of Code website to access resources by grade level. If you would like support in implementing Hour of Code activities, please reach out to your school’s assigned LTI.

Communicating with Multilingual Families: A Guide for Teachers & Staff

Hello in different languages

Did you know that Albemarle County Public Schools has processes for interpreting and translating that can help staff bridge the gap with parents whose primary language is not English? Check out our Communicating with Multilingual Families: A Guide for Teachers & Staff (ACPS login required) to access helpful online resources, learn how to get started with (and pay for) interpretation and translation services, and get the help you need. Continue reading

Election 2020: Teaching in Unpredictable Times – Workshop on Nov. 19


Wednesday, November 19, 2020 | 4:30 to 6 p.m. | Register

ACPS will offer its November session of Teaching in Unpredictable Times this Wednesday, November 19, at 4:30 p.m. Please register to receive a Zoom link to join the session.

In this workshop facilitated by Jeremy Nesoff of Facing History and Ourselves, participants will explore approaches to teaching the election that focus on the history of voting, the health of democracy, factors that shape our civic decision-making, and the power of youth agency and voice. Continue reading

Virtual Learning Contingency Planning Guide

Now What

Teachers: When technology tools you rely on for virtual learning don’t work, learning can continue if you are prepared with a contingency plan. To assist you, the Department of Technology has created a Virtual Learning Contingency Planning Guide with suggestions to help you develop alternate plans for when our major virtual learning tools experience technical issues. If you have questions or need support with planning, please reach out to your school’s assigned Learning Technology Integrator.