Looking for LETRS Facilitators!

Lexia LETRS logo

Attention Elementary & Middle School Teachers: ACPS is looking at the possibility of providing district-wide LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading Spelling) training for the 2024-25 school year. You can learn more about LETRS training by visiting the Lexia LETRS Professional Learning website. Our interest in providing LETRS training is based on the following: Continue reading

Teacher Innovation Grant Opportunity – Apply by Dec. 30

Public Education Foundation of Charlottesville-Albemarle logo

Attention teachers! The Public Education Foundation of Charlottesville-Albemarle (PEFCA) has launched its annual Teacher Innovation Grant program to support innovative, exciting and creative learning opportunities for public school students in Albemarle County and Charlottesville City. Mini grants up to $499 are available, as well as three tiers of project funding up to $4,500! Proposals must be received by noon on December 30, 2023, to be considered for funding for a January 2024 grant. (Grants can be used to support projects in spring and/or fall 2024.) Continue reading

Interested in Getting a Reading Specialist Endorsement?

teacher helping student with reading

Albemarle County Public Schools is exploring the possibility of creating a Fall 2024 Reading Specialist Cohort to support current employees in obtaining a Reading Specialist License. Please complete this Google Form by Wednesday, December 13, if you are interested in learning more about this opportunity. If you have any questions, please email Megan Wood, Director of Professional Development.

Fall Instructional Tech PD Series


Looking to level up your student’s engagement? Curious about how to navigate the world of AI as a teacher? Round out your semester by joining an upcoming professional development session! Each session will provide do-now strategies to enhance instruction, promote digital organization, and develop best practices when it comes to integrating technology into your classroom.

Sign up for any of these sessions in our Professional Learning Management System (PLMS): Continue reading

Making Connections Reminders: See You on Nov. 6!

Making Connections 2023 logo

Attention all ACPS employees: We are looking forward to our day of learning together on Monday, November 6! In preparation, please see below for logistical details and session highlights. As a reminder, we are offering Making Connections sessions at two locations and all sessions will be in person. All session details, including room assignments, are available on our Making Connections website! Continue reading

Homebound Instructors Needed!

tutor working with student at home

If you are a licensed teacher, or provisionally licensed, and would like to supplement your income doing homebound instruction, please contact Ashby Kindler via email or by phone at 434-249-6491. The pay rate is $30 per hour. Typically, students receive 10 hours per week of academic instruction for high school, 8 hours per week for middle school, and 6 hours per week for elementary school. Instruction may be provided in person or virtually.

Currently, we are in immediate need of a teacher for a first grader, 6 hours per week, virtual instruction preferred.

Schedule for Oct. 30 DPLC/CRT Professional Development

PLC sign on top; CRT sign on bottom

We are looking forward to our next Division Professional Learning Community (DPLC) and Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) Professional Development (PD) Day on Monday, October 30. Please reference the schedule for the times and locations of your DPLC meetings and your Culturally Responsive Teaching PD.

Important Notes: Continue reading