Welcome Back from the Department of Technology

Technology Icon

The Department of Technology welcomes you to the 2021-22 school year! We have several important updates and best practices we’d like to share with you:

On-site Technology Staff Assignments: We have adjusted some Learning Technology Integrator (LTI) and Technology Support Specialist (TSS) building assignments for this school year. Click here for the list of assignments.

How to Receive Technology Support: Continue reading

Making Long Distance Calls

VoIP Phone

Starting today, Monday, July 12, all ACPS VoIP phones will have long distance calling enabled without the need for a passcode. We believe this will remove barriers for teachers to communicate with families who have out-of-area cell phone numbers.

If you have questions or if you experience difficulty placing a long distance call from your phone, please submit a service desk ticket.

Schoology: End-of-Year Info

Schoology Logo

Secondary Teachers: As we approach the end of the school year, here are a few things to know about your Schoology courses moving forward:

  • All courses will be archived automatically. 
  • We encourage all teachers to review all of their created course content and create a reusable course copy of all content prior to June 30, 2021. We have created this End of Year Best Practices resource to support this process. Continue reading

Is Your Computer Running Slowly? Having It Reimaged Can Fix That!

slow loading icon with snail

It may be time to refresh your computer so that it will be reliable, safe, and up-to-date with our most current software that supports teaching and learning!

Teachers: You can work with your school’s assigned TSS staff member to schedule a time to have your computer reimaged. During the reimaging process, everything is deleted from your computer, including all of your documents, pictures, videos, bookmarks, etc. In order to retain all of your files, you will need to back up your computer before it is reimaged. Continue reading

New Translation Solution Coming to ACPS Website on May 3

Weglot Logo

For the past few years, ACPS has used Google Translate’s website translator widget to provide free and automatic translation of our website content. However, Google announced in 2019 that they would no longer support their website translator widget. Eventually the tool will cease to work, likely without warning.

In order to ensure that our web content is accessible to users who prefer to read text in a language other than English, ACPS has partnered with a website translation service called Weglot (pronounced Wē-glŏt). Beginning Monday, May 3, Weglot will seamlessly integrate with our website to offer translation options. Continue reading

Spoofing Phone Calls

spoofing attack with lock and key graphic

The Department of Technology is aware that some ACPS phone numbers are being used to make spoofing phone calls that are malicious in nature. As you do with phishing emails, please continue to use a “cautious lens” if you receive such a call. Before giving any personally identifiable information or providing payment for anything, please contact the entity that the caller is claiming to be to verify the request. As a reminder: No reputable organization will contact you asking for password or account information without you initiating the contact.

If you have questions, please reach out to the Service Desk during normal business hours at 434-975-9444.

Department of Technology Website

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The Department of Technology is excited to announce a new look for our website! This new, streamlined design shares our resources in a more efficient way for students, families and staff. We’ve updated our homepage to create easy access to the division’s most frequently used resources, such as Schoology, Seesaw, and the Department of Technology Service Desk.

If you have any feedback or can’t find something, please reach out to Nita Collier.

ACPS Digital Learning Summit: Feb. 15-26

Digital Learning Summit 2021

Join members of the ACPS Learning Technology team for the first annual Digital Learning Summit, going on now through February 26. Each day, participants will receive short “minute-to-master-it” videos and longer prerecorded sessions that cover a range of themes, such as media literacy; online engagement; effective screencasting; Minecraft for virtual/blended learning spaces; and SEL resources for teachers and students from ACPS counselors. Continue reading