JMU Educational Leadership & Certificate Cohort Starting in August: Additional Info Session on June 13

JMU Logo

Monday, June 13, 2022 | 1:30 p.m. | Zoom

Is school leadership in your future? James Madison University (JMU) will host another informational meeting for its Educational Leadership programs, including its master’s and certificate options, on Monday, June 13, at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom. JMU is planning to start a new cohort program this August. Classes will be held locally and meet weekly, and APCS teachers are eligible for discounted tuition. View the program brochure »

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Division PLC Attendance


Teachers: In order to get your professional development points for attending Division Professional Learning Community (DPLC) meetings this year, please complete the 2021-22 DPLC Yearlong Attendance form by Tuesday, May 31. Your points will be populated in the Professional Learning Management System based on your form entries.

Questions? Please contact a Lead Coach.

Reaffirming Our Values & Commitments to Our Students & to One Another

Superintendent Matthew Haas

Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for all you are doing to support our students, families, and each other! I appreciate you taking a few minutes to read this important message.

The recent racially-motivated violence in Buffalo and the discovery of the shooter’s “hit list” that contained an elementary school is another painful reminder of the importance of both our nation’s commitment to anti-racism and the difficulty of its implementation. Across our nation, more and more communities are scarred by violence against our national cultures and values, most especially, but not exclusively, violence that targets our Black communities. Continue reading

Registration Continues for Responsive Classroom & Developmental Designs Summer Institutes


Interested in building a supportive and productive classroom community? Want to learn how social and emotional learning support student engagement and academic achievement?

Responsive Classroom and Developmental Designs are two pillars of our commitment to meeting the social-emotional learning needs of our students. We are excited to offer both of these summer professional learning opportunities in person this summer. The schedule is included below, including a newly added Responsive Classroom session this August! Continue reading

April 2022 Policy Updates

Policy Updates

Albemarle County Public Schools has a number of policies that govern our operations in alignment with state code and our division vision, mission and values. Our policies must be reviewed once every five years, though we often review them more frequently due to changes in Virginia Code or the needs of our school system. So far in 2022, we have updated, revised or deleted 51 policies. As part of the review process, we use our Equity Checklist to ensure that our policies are having a positive impact on equity in the school division. Continue reading

Is School Leadership in Your Future?

JMU Logo

Wednesday, May 18, 2022 | 5 p.m. | Zoom

James Madison University (JMU) will host an informational meeting for its Educational Leadership programs, including its master’s and certificate options, on Wednesday, May 18, at 5 p.m. via Zoom. JMU is planning to start a new cohort program this August. Classes will be held locally and meet weekly, and APCS teachers are eligible for discounted tuition. View the program brochure »

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School Board Adopts Budget & Directs Exploration of an Expanded Employee Engagement Program

2022-23 Budget

During last evening’s meeting of the Albemarle County School Board, board members unanimously approved the proposed 2022-23 school year budget without change. The new budget of $246.45 million includes a 6% compensation increase for all employees in addition to the 4% increase that took effect in March. For details on the newly-adopted budget, please see the May 12 slide presentation.

Board members also voted not to move forward, at this time, with a resolution proposed by the Albemarle Education Association (AEA) that would have authorized the negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement. Instead, the board directed the division to explore how best to expand current opportunities for even more employees to have input on school operations, policies, budgets, and programs. These recommendations will come before the board for review within 90 days. Continue reading

Student Art Show Rescheduled for May 20

Due to a forecast of rain, the ACPS Student Art Show has been rescheduled from Friday, May 13, to Friday, May 20. We’re looking forward to sharing the work of our many talented student artists with the community! Until then, we invite you to watch this preview of the video that will be used in this unique, engaging, and larger-than-life show:

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Important Notice About Pay Statements for May 13


The following message is from Charlotte Blackmore, Payroll Manager for Albemarle County:

VRS-eligible staff hired before January 2022 may see two pay statements in the ADP portal dated May 13, 2022. The information provided on the $0.00 pay statement reflects the employer portion of the VRS benefit paid on your behalf in January 2022. Your pay was NOT impacted by this transaction—the additional pay statement is for recordkeeping purposes only.

Please review your pay statements after each pay date and use the following guidance to address any questions: Continue reading

Phishing Reminders

internet phishing

Don’t get hooked by phishing attacks! Stay vigilant, have a cautious lens, and think first before you click! Take a few minutes and read through our tutorial to learn more about phishing and how to spot malicious emails.

If you receive an email that asks for your ACPS password or a credit card number, please delete that email ASAP! You should NEVER share your password in response to an email. ACPS Technology Department staff and legitimate businesses will NEVER ask for your password through an email. Continue reading