Pay Increases for Fiscal Year 2023

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As shared in a May 13 Compass post, the Albemarle County School Board approved a budget for the 2022-23 school year that includes a 6% compensation increase for all employees and a step increase for employees on the teacher pay scale. The adopted budget for fiscal year 2023 takes effect on Friday, July 1.

For 12-month employees, the increase will appear beginning with the July 8 paycheck. Ten- and 11-month employees will see the increase as described in our June 9 Compass post. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Human Resources at with any questions.

Important Paycheck Information for 10- and 11-Month Employees

As we close out this school year, the ACPS Department of Human Resources extends our sincerest thanks for all you have done for our students during the school year. Every single ACPS employee impacts student growth and learning and supports Albemarle County families. Your hard work has made a difference this year!

Attention 10- and 11-Month Employees: Given the Payroll Clarity transition that started in January, we want to provide information that may be helpful for you as we head into summer. This information is in addition to the benefitsFOCUS message we shared earlier today that addresses benefits deductions over the summer. (If you are a supervisor reading this, please ensure that your employees have this information, and answer their questions with the support of the HR team.) Continue reading

benefitsFOCUS: What you should know about pay/benefits before summer break and tips for those who are leaving us this year!

benefitsFOCUS header

What’s the BIG news?

You made it! It’s almost the end of the school year, and whether this is your last year with us or you’re returning for the 2022-23 school year, there are a few things we want you to remember about benefits and pay before you head off for summer break. Continue reading

Important Notice About Pay Statements for May 13


The following message is from Charlotte Blackmore, Payroll Manager for Albemarle County:

VRS-eligible staff hired before January 2022 may see two pay statements in the ADP portal dated May 13, 2022. The information provided on the $0.00 pay statement reflects the employer portion of the VRS benefit paid on your behalf in January 2022. Your pay was NOT impacted by this transaction—the additional pay statement is for recordkeeping purposes only.

Please review your pay statements after each pay date and use the following guidance to address any questions: Continue reading

COVID Leave Bank Extension & Annual Leave Overage Reminder

Extension of COVID Leave Bank


With the expiration of the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA) Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) and Expanded FMLA (EFMLA) on September 30, 2021, Albemarle County Public Schools created a program called COVID Leave Bank, equivalent to 10 days of leave for all regular employees, effective October 1, 2021 – April 30, 2022. This program has now been extended through June 30, 2022, for continued use by employees who have not exhausted the 10 days of leave. Continue reading

Updated Contact Info for Payroll Clarity Questions


For the past few months, we have all been adjusting to the transition to a new pay schedule and use of ADP, our new payroll system. We appreciate your patience as we’ve worked through a variety of issues to ensure your paychecks are as accurate as possible. While we know that some of you are still experiencing some discrepancies and are awaiting responses from the Payroll Clarity Project team, we are going to shift future questions to the most appropriate people/department to answer them: Continue reading

ComPsych Newsline: Ukraine Crisis, Uncertainty, Tax Season & More!

Albemarle BeWell

If you’ve ever flown on an airplane, you’re familiar with the pre-flight safety routine when the flight attendant demonstrates how to put on an oxygen mask and reminds you to put on your own mask first before helping others. ACPS is focused on student mental health, but we know we also have to support the mental health and well-being of our staff so they, in turn, can support students.

One way we do this is by providing the services of our Guidance Resources® Employee Assistance Program (EAP). In addition to resources like the ones below based on current events, EAP also provides employees and their families with an opportunity for confidential one-on-one support. Continue reading

Message from the CFO: Update on the Availability of 1095-C Forms

IRS Form 1095-C

The following message is from Nelsie Birch, Chief Financial Officer for Albemarle County:

On March 3rd, the Office of the CFO received notification that personal information was incorrect on a small percentage of 1095-C forms. We immediately took steps to deactivate employee access to the forms through Greenshades and initiated a full investigation, which includes an audit. Continue reading

Recent Pay Raise & A Reminder to Check Your Deductions

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We are excited to remind you that the Albemarle County School Board approved a 4% pay increase for all employees in December 2021 that took effect on Saturday, February 26. Human Resources has been hard at work updating data in the system and testing to ensure that the data will flow properly into pay under the new system. The 4% increase will be reflected in your paycheck on March 18, 2022. Continue reading