PD Opportunity for TAs & EDEP Staff: Responsive Classroom for Support Staff


Only a few seats remain in our Responsive Classroom for Support Staff workshop scheduled for Friday, September 29, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Lakeside Middle School. This session is for teaching assistants and EDEP staff. Participants will be compensated their hourly rate and lunch will be provided. Click here to learn more about what to expect in this one-day workshop.

Space is extremely limited! Register now through the Professional Learning Management System (PLMS). Please contact Megan Wood with any questions.

2023-24 DPLC & CRT Professional Development Schedule

PLC sign on top; CRT sign on bottom

We are looking forward to our next Division Professional Learning Community (DPLC) and Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) Professional Development (PD) Day on Friday, September 29. Please reference the schedule for the times and locations of your DPLC meetings and your Culturally Responsive Teaching PD.

Important Notes:

  1. Not all DPLCs are meeting based on level. Please check each DPLC offering to find your group.
  2. If you are unable to attend your grade-level CRT PD because it conflicts with your DPLC meeting time, please attend the session that offers the most benefit and convenience for you.

As a reminder, the following dates are reserved on our 2023-24 School Year Calendar for DPLC meetings and CRT professional development: September 29, October 30, January 25, March 5, and April 29.

More About Our Culturally Responsive Teaching Credential

Office of Community Engagement Logo

The ACPS strategic plan sets the goal for all licensed staff to earn an ACPS Culturally Responsive Teaching Certification or Micro-Credential by 2026 (or, for new teachers, within three years of hire). Currently, we have over 380 credentialed educators in the division, and another 530 have already registered their 2023-24 plan in the Professional Learning Management System (PLMS). Keep reading for information about what you should register for prior to the launch of our current-year programs on September 29. Continue reading

benefitsFOCUS: Preventive Care Measures & Resources

benefitsFOCUS header

Did you know… preventive health measures and screenings can prevent 85% of illness and disease, and are often covered at no cost to you? BeWell Albemarle understands that maintaining good health can sometimes be challenging, but remember: Every small step you take toward preventive care can have a positive impact on your well-being. We value your health and support you in prioritizing it! Here are some key measures and resources available for you to consider: Continue reading

Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts: Classroom Residency Opportunity

Wolf Trap Logo

Attention pre-K through first-grade teachers: Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts is once again offering an opportunity to participate in a 5-session classroom residency the week of November 27 – December 1. (There may be virtual options either that week or later in the school year.) Wolf Trap classroom residencies are creative partnerships between “Teaching Artists” (musicians, dancers, actors and puppeteers) and early childhood educators as they collaborate in using the performing arts to engage children, enrich their learning, and reinforce curriculum. Interested teachers: Please sign up by September 29. Continue reading

“Theory of Change” Work Sessions – Oct. 10 & 11

theory of change wooden blocks with icons for idea strategy action

One of the recommendations from the Bellwether instructional practices audit involves using a planning tool called a “Theory of Change” to identify strategies, actions and resources that can facilitate change and achieve desired outcomes. This process includes reflecting on the various roles of people in our school division and the influence of those roles on student success. As Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) begins this important work, we invite educators, administrators, support staff, students, parents and guardians, and community members to join us.

Are you interested in learning more about this concept? Would you like to help ACPS develop a Theory of Change? If so, please register to attend one of our upcoming work sessions: Continue reading

Nationwide 457b Deferred Compensation Plan: Virtual Consultations Available Sept. 25-29

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company logo

Our Nationwide Retirement Specialist, Lynn Robinette, is available for individual virtual consultations on an ongoing basis, but each month, she reserves a week of appointment openings for Albemarle County employees. Appointments are available this September 25-29!

The Nationwide 457b Deferred Compensation Plan is available to ACPS employees who wish to save additional money toward retirement through pre-tax payroll deductions. Continue reading

Reminder: Making Connections Call for Proposals – Submissions Due Sept. 22

Making Connections 2023 logo

Mark your calendar! Our annual Making Connections professional learning event will be held Monday, November 6. Programming will consist of sessions facilitated by visiting educators as well as ACPS teachers and administrators. We are especially excited that Making Connections 2023 will again include opportunities for support staff to participate in professional learning! Sessions for instructional staff will be hosted at Monticello High School, while sessions for support staff will be offered at Albemarle High School.

As a reminder, any instructional or support staff member who is interested in presenting at Making Connections must submit a session proposal by Friday, September 22. Continue reading

Your ACPS HR: Meet the Talent Team

Human Resources sketch with keywords and icons

This is the third article in a series of Compass posts about the structure of the new ACPS Human Resources Department. As we explained in the first post in our series, Human Resources used to jointly serve the school division and Albemarle County Government. One of the major reasons for transitioning to separate HR departments to serve each organization was related to the nuances of recruiting and retaining school division employees, such as teachers, drivers, nurses, teacher assistants, Extended Day Enrichment Programs and cafeteria staff, office associates, and principals, compared to public safety and government office staff. Our ACPS HR Talent Acquisition Team is focused on and committed to recruiting, supporting and retaining a diverse workforce that is representative of the students and community we serve. Continue reading

Have You Subscribed to TeacherDirect?

VDOE TeacherDirect Newsletter Banner 2023

TeacherDirect is a weekly e-newsletter published by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) as a direct line of communication with classroom teachers and educators. The goal of TeacherDirect is to share new instructional resources created by VDOE staff and to make teachers aware of professional development and grant opportunities, SOL resources, and other information of special interest to teachers and their students. Subscribe to TeacherDirect to receive weekly updates from VDOE via email.