National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Annual Meeting, Oct. 25-28


The NCTM Annual Meeting is the premier event for mathematics educators. ACPS will be selecting 10 educators (K-12) to attend in Washington, DC, October 25-28. This year’s theme, Creating Spaces for Change Through Community: It Starts With You, is designed to inspire and provide practical applications to improve your instructional practices.

Are you interested in staying on top of current trends in mathematics education? Do you want to be inspired and gain fresh ideas? Are you willing to share your learning with your peers in the division? If so, please complete our NCTM Annual Meeting interest form by Tuesday, September 12. Continue reading

Nationwide 457b Deferred Compensation Plan: Virtual Consultations Available Sept. 4-8

Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company logo

Our Nationwide Retirement Specialist, Lynn Robinette, is available for individual virtual consultations on an ongoing basis, but each month, she reserves a week of appointment openings for Albemarle County employees. Appointments are available this September 4-8!

The Nationwide 457b Deferred Compensation Plan is available to ACPS employees who wish to save additional money toward retirement through pre-tax payroll deductions. Continue reading

Professional Development Updates: Steering Committee, PDRP & Making Connections


Would you be interested in serving on a committee to help guide the division’s professional development planning? Do you know that both teachers and classified employees are eligible for reimbursement for participating in professional development? Would you like to lead a session at Making Connections this November 6? Please keep reading for updates on all three of these topics! Continue reading

Spotlight on Equity Education, August Issue

Office of Community Engagement Logo

In our first 2023-24 issue of Spotlight on Equity Education, we will introduce you to our new team members; tell you about Albemarle County Government’s 21-Day Equity Challenge; talk about the connections between Culturally Responsive Teaching and Responsive Classroom for our elementary educators; and share information and dates regarding culturally responsive certification and micro-credentialing for this school year. Continue reading

Community Engagement Corner

Office of Community Engagement Logo

The Office of Community Engagement (OCE) is active on Facebook, Twitter (X) and Insta! Please follow us and feel free to tag us! We will post information on culturally responsive practices, community events, news, and information.

Twitter (X): @EngageACPS | Facebook:

Community Partner Professional Learning Opportunities

We are fortunate to have incredible community partners supporting all aspects of ACPS, and this includes providing high-quality professional learning! Please see below for details on two opportunities coming up in September. Continue reading

Convocation Feedback Survey: Please Respond by Sept. 1

We want your FEEDBACK sign with blue background

Many thanks to everyone for your participation and enthusiasm at our division-wide convocation on Tuesday, August 15! It was wonderful to see familiar faces and greet newcomers at Ting Pavilion! As promised, we’re now inviting you to share your feedback on this event! Please click the button below to take our survey by Friday, September 1:

We look forward to hearing what you have to say, and we will use your input to help us plan next year’s event. Thank you in advance for responding by September 1!

Your ACPS Human Resources Department

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As you may be aware, on July 1, 2022, Albemarle County Public Schools established a Human Resources Department focused exclusively on serving ACPS employees. Previously, Human Resources provided HR services to the school division and Albemarle County Government. This redesign has permitted our HR team to focus on needs specific to school employees and innovate in areas of policy and hiring. Continue reading

The ESOL Office Is Now the “EL Office”

Hello my name is EL Office nametag

To place more focus on our students (English Learners, per current U.S. Department of Education terminology) in the 2023-24 school year, rather than the subject we teach (English for Speakers of Other Languages), the ESOL Office is becoming the EL Office. We encourage everyone to make the switch when referring to our students as English Learners, or ELs—or even better, as emergent multilinguals to demonstrate an asset-based mindset! We will be referring to our teachers as EL teachers moving forward, and we have updated our email listservs to reflect this change, as follows: Continue reading