Shannon Foundation Now Accepting Grant Applications – Apply by April 16

Shannon Foundation's 2021 Logo

Every year, the Shannon Foundation supports our teachers by funding their best ideas for classroom programs or projects. The Foundation offers two levels of financial support: Level 1 grants of up to $750, which are awarded to individual teachers or a team of teachers with an innovative or unique learning idea, and Level 2 grants of up to $5,000, which are awarded to school teams, led by a coordinating teacher or building administrator.

This year, the Shannon Foundation has made it even easier to apply: Teachers can visit the Shannon Foundation’s Grants page and apply directly. All submissions must be received by April 16, 2021. Continue reading

Stage 4 Instructional & Technology Resources

3D Number 4

In preparation for a possible decision to transition to Stage 4 of our Return to School plan, the departments of Instruction and Technology collaborated to create a set of resources for teachers. In addition to these resources, we encourage teachers to reach out to your school’s assigned Instructional Coaches and Learning Technology Integrator to support thinking through instructional needs and approaches. Continue reading

Teacher Transfer Requests for 2021-2022

Two Teachers

Teacher Transfer Requests are now open to all tenured teachers desiring consideration for new assignments for the 2021-2022 school year. Teachers who are on a Performance Improvement Plan or who will be on an active improvement plan for the upcoming school year are not eligible to apply for a transfer. All other teachers are welcome to apply for jobs online as vacancies become available. Continue reading

Screencast-O-Matic Now Available!

Screencast-O-Matic Logo

In response to requests from ACPS educators for a technology tool that supports screen recording and video creation, ACPS has purchased a division license for Screencast-O-Matic. This new tool is available to all teachers! Step-by-step directions on how to install Screencast-O-Matic on your ACPS laptop are now available. Continue reading

The Paramount Theater Presents Arts Education Virtual Resources

The Paramount logo

Dear Educators and Administrators,

As we start this wonderful New Year filled with hope and promise, we feel a deep sense of awe and gratitude for your extraordinary work and dedication during this unprecedented time of teaching and learning. We are thinking of you, your students, and your school communities, and hope this finds you safe and well.

While currently The Paramount cannot welcome our school communities in person to experience live arts education performances, we hold steadfast to our mission and shared belief in the important role the arts play in our lives. Continue reading

PowerSchool Update Scheduled for Jan. 16-17


The Department of Technology will be installing a newer version of PowerSchool during the January 16/17 weekend maintenance window. PowerSchool will be unavailable for periods of time during this normal Saturday night/Sunday morning maintenance time. This update has some significant changes to the PowerSchool user interface. We have held off on making changes to PowerSchool, as we know that the last nine months have been disruptive enough; however, in order to maintain a supported version of PowerSchool and provide some new features that we hope will be beneficial in our current environment, it is necessary to move forward with an update. Continue reading

Zoom Link for This Afternoon’s COVID-19 Recovery Focus Group Meeting for Teachers

Zoom Logo

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 | 4:30 to 6 p.m. | Zoom

Attention Teachers: If you’re planning to participate in today’s focus group conversation from 4:30 to 6 p.m. regarding the future response of ACPS to COVID-19 and the impact of COVID-19 on student learning and social-emotional well-being and development, please click here to join at 4:30 this afternoon. Continue reading

Archived Courses in Schoology & Two Action Items for Secondary Teachers

Schoology Logo

In an effort to support students in preparing for state-wide tests, AP exams, or completing missing work, the Department of Technology, in collaboration with the Department of Instruction, will enable access to all archived courses in Schoology to all Schoology users, including students and teachers, on Friday, January 29. Continue reading

Next Round of Division PLC Meetings: Jan. 15 or 22


The next round of Division PLC (DPLC) meetings will be held on January 15 (elementary) or January 22 (secondary). Please refer to the Division PLC 2020-21 document for key information about the purpose and structure of DPLCs as well as the meeting schedule and Zoom links.

Please email with any questions.

Instructional Guidance & Resources Regarding the Events of Jan. 6

U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We witness events like yesterday with dual responsibility as citizens and as educators. To that end, I am sharing resources to support you as you help students to process the events of January 6. I have copied below the foreword from a resource provided by Facing History and Ourselves and highlighted in bold the operative phrase that speaks to the necessity of giving our students the opportunity to process their emotions as well as understanding with facts what happened: Continue reading