ACPS Digital Learning Summit: Feb. 15-26

Digital Learning Summit 2021

Join members of the ACPS Learning Technology team for the first annual Digital Learning Summit, going on now through February 26. Each day, participants will receive short “minute-to-master-it” videos and longer prerecorded sessions that cover a range of themes, such as media literacy; online engagement; effective screencasting; Minecraft for virtual/blended learning spaces; and SEL resources for teachers and students from ACPS counselors. Continue reading

Zoom Link for This Afternoon’s COVID-19 Recovery Focus Group Meeting for Teachers

Zoom Logo

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 | 4:30 to 6 p.m. | Zoom

Attention Teachers: If you’re planning to participate in today’s focus group conversation from 4:30 to 6 p.m. regarding the future response of ACPS to COVID-19 and the impact of COVID-19 on student learning and social-emotional well-being and development, please click here to join at 4:30 this afternoon. Continue reading

Save the Date: COVID-19 Recovery Focus Group Meeting on Jan. 13

Superintendent Matthew Haas

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 | 4:30 to 6 p.m. | Zoom

Greetings, ACPS Teachers:

I am writing to invite you to a second focus group conversation from 4:30 to 6 next Wednesday evening, January 13, to talk about the future response of ACPS to COVID-19 and the virus’s impact on student learning and social-emotional well-being and development. We will gather on Zoom with up to 300 teachers to share an overview and have small group conversations about our response going into 2021-22. Continue reading

Hour of Code: Join the Fun this Friday, Dec. 11

Hour of Code Logo

The Department of Technology is pleased to highlight a global event, the Hour of Code! Last year, our division reached over 5,000 hours of code!

We encourage teachers to have their students participate in coding activities this Friday, December 11, as part of their asynchronous work. Visit our Hour of Code website to access resources by grade level. If you would like support in implementing Hour of Code activities, please reach out to your school’s assigned LTI.

COVID-19 Testing Event – Dec. 5 & 6 @ Albemarle High

COVID-19 Nasal Swab Test

December 5 & 6, 2020 | 12 to 4 p.m. | Albemarle High School

This Saturday and Sunday, December 5 and 6, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in partnership with the University of Virginia (UVA) and our local health department, is hosting a self-administered nasal swab COVID-19 testing event at Albemarle High School from noon to 4 p.m. This free event is open to the community, but prioritizes employees of UVA, Albemarle County Public Schools, and Charlottesville City Schools. Continue reading

You’re Invited: Virtual Community Forums on Nov. 17 & 19

Virtual Communication

Tuesday, November 17, 2020 | 6 to 8 p.m. | Zoom
Thursday, November 19, 2020 | 6 to 8 p.m. | Zoom

Colleagues, we need your input!

Next week, you and all Albemarle County community members will have the opportunity to offer your views on the future direction of our school division. We are requesting your participation, and that of all ACPS stakeholders, at two upcoming virtual community forums that will help shape the direction the schools take over the next several years. These forums, which will be held on November 17 and 19 from 6 to 8 p.m., are an opportunity for you to give feedback on the ACPS Portrait of a Graduate that is currently being designed. Additionally, the forums will offer a chance to discuss ways that the school division can approach learning loss related to COVID-19 and school closures. Continue reading

Save the Date: Community Conversation on Nov. 18

Superintendent Matthew Haas

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 | 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. | Zoom

Teachers and School Administrators: I hope today is a good day for you. I sure am proud of you. You have much to be proud of as you have carried the heavy load of teaching and learning and leading schools in a time that cannot be compared to any other. And the first quarter is in the books. Thank you.

I am writing to ask you to save the date for a Community Conversation on November 18 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Continue reading